
Thumbnail Title Description
Lord Shiva

Shiva is known as "The Destroyer" within the Trimurti, the Hindu trinity that includes Brahma and Vishnu. In the Shaivite tradition, Shiva is the Supreme Lord who creates, protects and transforms the universe.

Lord Shivan

Lord Shiva with his vehicle Nandi Cow

Lord Shivan

Shaivism is one of the four major sects of Hinduism, the others being Vaishnavism, Shaktism and the Smarta Tradition. Followers of Shaivism, called "Shaivas", revere Shiva as the Supreme Being.

Towns Group Areas

Thousands of Coloureds, Blacks, and Indians were removed from areas classified for white occupation.

The attitudes of the Hindu and Muslim Female University students towards the use and acceptance of the Indian traditional dress

The study is a report of the responses of certain groups of Indian university students towards the use and acceptance of their traditional dress. It is directly related to the impact of westernization on the current use of the Indian dress.

Girmitya tales : an odyssey

The British settlers’ (c1840s) saw sugar as a viable export commodity but there was a serious shortage of labour. The fate of the colony “hangs on a thread, the thread is labour (Natal Mercury, April 1859).

Gender Under Fire - interrogating War in South Africa, 1939-1945

Warfare in the twentieth century – with few exceptions as the century closed – provided a theatre for the consolidation of gender roles. The gender roles of "soldiers" and "mothers" in particular were remarkably uncontested during war years.

Grey Street Area : a survey of a community.

Housing is a basic human need, providing not only physical shelter for human survival, but also an intimate setting for social and emotional activity and interaction.

An investigation into the nature and extent of Child Abuse among the Indian population of the Durban Municipal area 1986

The study of child abuse is a complex one indeed. There are many
variables involved, each one of which or combination of which,
contribute to the end result, that is, the abused child. The
psychological implications to the abused child as well as the

Job satisfaction of Indian married women in the clothing manufacturing industry in Durban and its effects on their interpersonal family relationships

The present investigation was carried out in order to ascertain the degree of job satisfaction experienced by Indian married women employed in the clothing industry in Durban, and the effect of this on their interpersonal relationships within the family group.

Factory and Family: lndian Factory Workers in Durban

Introduction 1 should start by clarifying the theme on which I will speak, namely Indian women's attitudes towards their jobs and their perceptions of how their jobs affect their family lives.

Job satisfaction of Indian married women in the clothing industry in Durban and its effects on their interpersonal family relationships

The present investigation was carried out in order to ascertain the degree of job satisfaction experienced by Indian married women employed in the clothing industry in Durban, and the effect of this on their interpersonal relationships within the family group.


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