
Thumbnail Title Description
Aboobaker Traders

Thc above shows family members (1947 ) who were all traders. In the backGround is the family store which exists to date in Lydenburg.....

Supplement to Natal Mercury
Tongaat Indians Mill group - Natal - those who served the mill group in the past and present

Natal Indian Cane Growers Association

The new Republic Bank - Mela India
Affirmative Action and the New Constitution

here's an old saying: one person's meat is another person's poison. So it is with affirmative.......

Affirmative action and Black advancement in business

One person's dream of advancement is another person's nightmare. What follows is an attempt to....

Supplement to Daily news aug 23 1983

There was no looking back. Within the last 10 years more Indians have became......

Engaging the Diaspora. A South African Perspective
The building has begun! Government's Report to the Nation, '98

In voting for a better life for all, the people of South Africa set the Government a mandate with three broad and interrelated goals, namely the establishment of a legitimate government that is democratic and an effective instrument for change....

Moonlighters Football Club

Moonlighters Football Club, Season 1953. Founded 1900, affiliated to MDIFA. B Division League Finalists

Winners - BM Singh's Inter-District Trophy - 1939

BM Singh's Inter-District Trophy

Sutherlands Football Club

Seniors. Founded 1944, affiliated to MDIFA

Maritzburg H. G. S. Football Club (Natal Champions) - 1916

Football in South Africa

Mayville Football Club - Season 1904


Muruga and his consorts

Murugan had two wives. The first one is Devasana (also called Devayani), the daughter of Lord Indra and his second wife is Valli, the daughter ...

Lord Vinayager

Ganesha is Vighneshvara , the Lord of removing Obstacles, both of a material and spiritual order. ... He is popularly worshipped ...

Lord Nadaraj

Nataraja is a depiction of the Hindu god Shiva as the divine dancer. His dance is called Tandavam or Nadanta, depending on the context of the dance.

Goddess Parvathy

Parvati is the wife of the Hindu god Shiva, who according to Shaivism is the protector, the destroyer, and regenerator of the universe and all life.

Goddess Parvathy

Parvati is the wife of the Hindu god Shiva, who according to Shaivism is the protector, the destroyer, and regenerator of the universe and all life.

Goddess Parvathy

Parvati is the wife of the Hindu god Shiva, who according to Shaivism is the protector, the destroyer, and regenerator of the universe and all life.


33 records found.