
Thumbnail Title Description
Hutton Family

Frere School

Hutton Family

Ben Buchanan and family (Hutton)

Howick Falls

Howick Falls

Howick Falls

Howick Falls

Habitats of the Gold Coast.

Black and white scene of the people of the Gold Coast.

Negro Bridge

Black and white scene of a Negro Bridge over the river.

Houses of Sierra Leone

Black and white abstract showing the houses of Sierra Leone.

The interview between the Roman Ambassador and King Autichus

Black and white scene of an interview of the Roman ambassador Popillus with King Autichus of Egypt.

'Bene Trees'

Black and white abstract of the Bene trees.

Cottage at Lewes

Black and white diagram of a cottage in Lewes.

St Salvador : a Portugese City

Black and white scene of St Slavador, a Portuguese city on the river Leluda in the Kingdom of Congo.

Various Birds & Fishes of Siera Leone

Black and white scenes of various birds of Africa and a scene of various fishes of Siera Leone.

Entrance Cottage to Castle

Black and white sketch of a cottage entrance to the castle.

' A Lady in Bataerice'

Black and white scene of a Lady in a white robe being served.

"Ceremonie, funebre des habitants de Guinee"

Black and white scene of a funeral ceremony in Guinee.

' Grapes & Vine'

Black and white abstract of a Grapevine.

Hottentots trying a criminal at the Court (C)

Black and white scene of Hottentots trying a criminal in court.

Harow School

Black and white abstract of Harow School, view taken from the South West side.

'Usbec Tartars'

Black and white scene of two Royal figured on a journey.

Tunnel through hillside

Black and white sketch of a tunnel through a hillside.


16045 records found.