
Thumbnail Title Description
Vision of Chaminaka

Vision of chaminaka

Animals: Lion, cattles, bucks


Zulu homestead with group of worriors

WCP 1055 Zulu homestead with groups of worriors approaching from the light.

Escape from perpetual night

Escape from perpetual night

Encloosed Zulu homestead

WCP 1052 Enclosed homestead on left with groups of warriors about to engage in battle.

Two Zulu homestead

WCP 1053 Two Zulu Homestead, one in right other left centre with groups of warriors between engaged in contest.

Mystical awakenning

Mystical awakenning

Resting laboures

Resting laboures

LIne of worriors

WCP 1050 Line of warriors approaching from right to Zulu homestead on left, seated group and others in foreground.

Seated couple

Seated couple

Side view of man

Side view of man

Zulu homestead with three worriors

WCP 1049 Zulu homestead with three warriors in front and army behind

face with heads

Face with heads

Two worriors approaching one another.

WCP 1043 Two warriors approaching one another Zulu  homestead and many people visible in the backgruond.



Fish eagle

Fish eagle

Union of Zulus

Union of Zulus

Man and dead animals

Man and dead animals

The pensioners

The pensioners




16131 records found.