
Thumbnail Title Description

Friend, Henry

'Restored: King Cetshwayo

Colored portrait of King Cetshwayo posing for the 'Vanity Fair Magazine in 1882.

Friend, Henry

Friend, Henry

Friend, Henry

Friend, Henry

Friend, Henry

Friend, Henry

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1987-1989

George Mayor Mr John Rogers receiving a plaque from Girl Guide regional advisor (South Natal), Mrs Jenny Ahrens and a bevy of guides. The guides also carried letters of goodwill from the mayors of their region.

Basutholand: Herbert Sloley

Colored portrait of Herbert Sloley in Lesotho posing for the  Vanity Fair Magazine.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1987-1989

Regional Treasurer, Mrs Cartwright.  1.7.1977 - 31.12.1984

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1987-1989

Halloween. Brownies and guides from Hillary and Sea view held a fancy dress/final year party.

'Umkamambo KamaGubane'

Mixed media scene of Magubane's wife carrying a beby on her back and sitting under the tree.

'St Salvador'

Black and white engraved scene of St Salvador a Portuguees sailing on the river of Lelunda in the Kingdom of Congo.

Sir Henry Brophane Loch

Colored portrait of Sir Henry Brophane Loch, a Cape High Commissioner posing for the Vanity Fair Magazine.

Lous Head from the Malay Quarter

Black and white scene of Lous Head with mountains in the background.

'Prince Impesial'

Colorful scene of the search and findings of  the body of Prince Impesial in 1879.

Jubilee Fountain

Black and white scene of the Jubilee Fountain in Durban.

House on the hill

Watercolor scene of a white house on a hill.

Nearing Leous' Head

Black and white scene of Leous Mountain.

'Uthunga ingoma Umvinzane'

Black and white scene of a homestead with a family outside.

Gov. Wofe Hennesy

Colored portrait of Governor Wofe Hennessy posing for the Vanity Fair Magazine.

'Odger: Col. H. Colville'

Colored portrait of Colonel Sir H. Colville, posing for the Vanity Fair Magazine.


16131 records found.