
Thumbnail Title Description
An Investigation into the Influence of certain Variables Affecting the Accident Rate among the Sugar Mill workers on the Natal North Coast

This study was conducted in five sugar mills which are situated on the Natal North Coast. Data for the research were obtained from accident report forms and some personal information was obtained from the personnel files.

A historical investigation into the garment industry in Natal with specific reference to the garment workers industrial union [Natal]

The history of the Garment Workers Industrial Union indicates that its strategy is one of negotiation and subordination. As paid representatives of the Garment Workers, the union did not and does not wish to attack the autonomous power of the employers.

Industrial relations and the development of trade unions in Natal before 1926

A form of race conscious craft unionism was, as a result, almost inevitable in South Africa, and came to be adopted by other labour elites developing within the society, for example the railway workers.10 Thus, the major labour events of the next one and a half decades may be seen in these terms,

Garment Workers' Industrial Union (Natal) : golden jubilee, 1934-1984

The creation of a garment involves dozens of specialized tailoring skills, many of them unique to and representing the peak of hand craftsmanship.

Studies in indian employment in Natal

IN THE MID-NINETEENTH CENTURY the young Colony of Natal was faced with a shortage of suitable labour. The European settlers were too few to meet the requirements of the colony's development and in any case were unsuited to do much of the necessary work.

Outfit worn by girl who is in age termed "iphambanisa"

Outfit worn by girl in 'iphambanisa' age-set. (girl who has been given permission to court). Bhaca from Himeville, 1983

Outfit worn by girl who is in age termed "ukuhlefulela"

Outfit worn by Khuze girl of the 'Izintombi ezivundile' age-set. (she has reached puberty but may not be courted) Highflats, 1983

Outfit worn by girl who is in age termed "ukuhlefulela"

Outfit worn by girl who is in age group termed "ukuhlefulela" She is aged between 7-15 years and may not be courted by boys. This outfit is worn at family gatherings while at home she will wear a checked prints dress. At school she wear uniform. She is from Khuze of Highflats.

Outfit of girl in age group as "Izintombi ezivundile"

Beadwork worn by a girl who has attained puberty but may not be courted in Khuze of Highflats, 1983

Outfit of girl in age group as "izintombi ezivundile.

Outfit of girl in age known as "izintombi ezivundli". She is between 16 and 18 years old. She does not have permission to be courted by boys and must follow a prescribed behavior pattern towards them. She is from the Khuze of Highflat area. Photographed on field-trip; Y. Winters and R.

Outfit worn by girl in "ukuhlefulela" age set.

Outfit worn by girl in "ukuhlefulela" age-set (girl who has not reached puberty as yet) from Khuze of Highflats 1983

Outfit worn by girl in "ukuhlefulela" age set.

Outfit worn by girl in "ukuhlefulela" age-set (girl who has not reached puberty as yet) from Khuze of Highflats 1983

Outfit for Amajongosi (Junior girls) for dancing from KwaMatakana (Hela-Hela)

Outfit for Amajongosi (junior girl) for dancing from KwaMatakana (Hela-Hela)

A geography of hawking at the Westcliffe market

The last century has witnessed an unprecedented rate of urbanization in the developing countries. Normally because the rural areas cannot support the poor families$, they migrate to urban Centre seeking employment.

Squatters Market / Institute for Social and Economic Research. 1976

Market gardening has been a traditional way of life of the Indian community for many years. In the Report of the Coolie Commission (1872) for example, mention is made of small locations of Indians in the neighbourhood of Durban who carried on a thriving trade 1n the sale of vegetables.

Engaged Khuze girl

Engaged girl of the Khuze clan with her hair being lengthened in preparation for marriage, Creighton area 1930. From Kohler, Dr. M. Marriage customs in Southern  Natal. Ethnological publication Vol. IV. Pretoria: Government Printer, 1935.

Married woman

Married woman with small child. traditionally dressed

Traditional junior girl

Traditional junior girl


Traditional senior girl or iqhikiza


Outfit worn by a dancing youth ( a married man may wear the same but for the beadwork) of the Khuze of highflats 1983. this outfit is worn by a friend of the Mbanjwa family.


16131 records found.