
Thumbnail Title Description
Costume dress for girls

Traditinal dressed unmarried girls

Costume dress for girls

 Trditional dressed unmarried girls

Costume dress

Tradional junior girl posing at Bata factory machine, 1989

Costume dress

Tradional junior girl posing at Bata shoe factory machine 1989

Costume girls

 Traditional dressed unmarried girl

Costume dress

Traditionally dressed unmarried girls, Msinga 1991

Costume dress

Traditionally dressed unmarried girls, Msinga 1991

Costume girls

 Traditional girls in various poses

Costume dress

Traditionally dressed unmarried girls, Msinga 1991

Costume dress for girls

 Traditional junior girls

Costume dress

Traditionally dressed unmarried girls. Msinga 1991

Costume dress

Traditionally dressed unmarried girls

Costume dress for girls

 TRaditional junior girls

Costume dress

Traditionally dress unmarried girls, of the Emadeni clan 1991

Costume dress

 Traditional junior girl

Costume dress for girls

 Traditional junior girl.

University of Natal Medical School History

Embroiled in controversy and political strife, and disadvantaged by major financial and resource deprivation, the University of Natal Medical School has nevertheless survived and prospered for nearly 50 years - and has made a unique contribution to medical education in the Southern African sub-co

Natal University and the question of autonomy (non-white education 1959-1962)

On the 7 March 1963 a plaque was erected in the Students Union of the University of This plaque states that: Natal, Durban. "The right of this University to determine who shall be admitted as students was taken away in May 1959 and restored ..

Costume dress

Traditional junior grls

Costume dress

Traditional girl in various poses from Tugela ferry 1990


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