
Thumbnail Title Description
A contextualization and examination of the impi yamakhanda (1906 uprising) as reported by J. L. Dube in Ilanga Lase Natal, with special focus on Dube’s attitude to Dinuzulu as indicated in his reportage on the treason trial of Dinuzulu

The thesis explores not only the history but also the competing histories of 1906. It is however no claim to represent the entire history - undoubtedly a period of great complexity, and a time of tragedy for the African people that culminated in their

A royal Durban rane

Water colour painting, 7x12,5 cm sight size. Original Collection.

Milk pail

Milk pail,  Zulu. Original collection c1930

Zulu milk pail

Zulu milkpail 

Zulu milk pail

Zulu milkpail from induna Mchunu of Enhlampeni Weeneen, 1930

Zulu milk pail, Ndlela

Zulu milkpail, Mandima, 

Zulu milk pail, Ndwedwe, c1960

Zulu milkpail, Ndwedwe c1960

Zulu milk pail belonged to Mpiyakhe Zondi, 1949

Zulu milkpail. Ithunga, motif is called undlela ziyeGoli or railway line to Johannesburg. Belonged to Mr. Mpiyakhe Zondi, Nongoma 1949

Zulu milk pail belonged to Muziwempi Mhlongo, Nongoma 1951

Zulu milkpail -ithunga, Nongoma 1951

Zulu milk pail

Zulu milk pail

Craft woodwork

Milkpail, wooden carved, ovid shape on stand with carved blackened design of rows of amasumpa.

Craft woodwork

Milkpail, wooden carved. round shape on legs with lid


Headrest wooden carved with incised zig-zag lines with snuff containers on ends.


Zulu headrest, isigqiki. design called plain ukhondo


Zulu Headrest, motif of amasumpa or warts. it has a safe on homemade hings at centre


 Milkpail, wooden carved, round shape on legs with lid.


Zulu headrest from Umsimbithi wood motif is axe-design


 Milkpail wooden carved with burnt relief carved blocks in bands and daigonal lines and base,rim and handles


Zulu headrest


 Stick out of Umthombothi wood


16139 records found.