
Thumbnail Title Description
Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girls showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girls showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her western style, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her western style, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Zulu young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Two young girls "amatshitshi" showing their traditional attire, uMsinga 1991

Two young girls "amatshitshi" showing their traditional attire, uMsinga 1991

The bride showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

The bride showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

The young Zulu girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

The young Zulu girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Bantoe School Art

African Art photograph of wooden carved decorated stools 'Izigqiki' from the Bantoe School Art. Photograph doated by Dr. J. Grossert to the Campbell Collections.

Bantoe School Art

African Art photograph of wooden carved stools 'Izigqiki' from the Bantoe School Art. Photograph donated by Dr. J. Grossert to the Campbell Collections.

The young girl showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

The young Zulu girl showing  her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Bantoe School Art

African Art photograph of wooden carved stools 'Izigqiki' from the Bantoe School Art. Photograph donated by Dr. J. Grossert to the Campbell Collections.

The bride showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

The bride showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

Bantoe School Art

African Art photograph of a wooden carved stool 'Isigqiki' joined together in a diamond shape carved wood. Photograph donated by D. J. Grossert to the Campbell Collecions.

The bride showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

The bride showing her traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

The bride in traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991

The bride in traditional dresses, uMsinga, 1991


16176 records found.