
Thumbnail Title Description
Harry Camp, Lugg

H.C Lugg and staff (Tax Collecting)

Harry Camp, Lugg
Harry Camp, Lugg
Harry Camp, Lugg
Harry Camp, Lugg
Harry Camp, Lugg
Harry Camp, Lugg
Harry Camp, Lugg
Harry Camp, Lugg
Harry Camp, Lugg
Bhambatha Oral History Project 2996

Bhambatha Oral History Project 2005 by Campbell Collections' staff (Colloqiuim held at UKZN on the 17th of September 2005)

Bhambatha Oral History Project 2005

Bhambatha Oral History Project by Campbell Collections' staff (Colloqiuim held at UKZN on the 17th of September 2005). Ms Yvonne Winters and Mr Yona Seleti,

Bhambatha Oral History Project 2005

Bhambatha Oral History Project 2005 by Campbell Collections' staff (Colloqiuim held at UKZN). Ms Yvonne Winter and Mr Yona Seleti 

Bhambatha Oral History Project 2005

Bhambatha Oral History Project 2004 by Campbell Collections' staff (Colloqiuim held at UKZN on the 17th of September 2022) Ms Yvonne Winters and Mthunzi Zungu

Bhambatha Oral History Project 2005

Bhambatha Oral History Project 2005 by Campbell Collections' staff (Colloquium held at UKZN on the 17th of Sepetember 2005). From left Ms Yvonne Winters and Ms Pearl Sithole)

Bhambatha Oral History Project, 2005

Bhambatha Oral History Project by Campbell Collections' staff (Colloquium held at UKZN, 17 September 2005)

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1952-1955
Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1952-1955

Mr and Mrs John Bernard Hawkridge photographed after their Saturday wedding at the Musgrave Road Methodist Church Durban. The bride, formerly Miss Peggy Avril May, is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. T.H. May, of Durban.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1952-1955

Mr and Mrs Terence Couzens who were married at St. Peter's Churh, point road, Durban, on Saturday. The bride was formerly Miss Joyce Rackam, daughter of Mrs. B. Rackham, of Durban. The bridegroo is the elder son of Mrs. M. Couzens and the late Mr. C Couzens, of Hilton.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1952-1955

Girl Guides and Brownies from Durban and district crowded into the Durban City Hall yesterday for the annual Guides' service. Church Street presented a colourful scene before the service bagan when hundreds of uniformed girls marched past the saluting base on the steps of the City Hall.


16160 records found.