
Thumbnail Title Description
Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

During a Girl Guides' Enrolment ceremony conducted by the divisional commissioner of guides, Mrs. W. Surridge, at the Baijoo and Maharaj State-aided Indian School, girls who had passed the Tenderfoot test that enables them to be regarded as fully-Fledged Guides were presented.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

The highest awards: Three Durban Girl Guides were recently presented with founders' badges. This is the highest award for guides under 16. The badges are presented to Guides of good character with the ability to lead and give service to others.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

Promotion for Guide officer: Mrs. Surridge started her Brownie and Guiding career in 1963, when she lived in Pietermaritzburg. she was later transferred to Impendhle in 1965.

Commander Jan van Riebeeck

Commander Jan van Riebeeck. A Shell picture story, South African history in pictures, Part I: 1652-1763.

Vasco da Gama

One of the greatest of the Portuguese navigators wa Vasco da Gama who sailed past the Cape in 1497 and went on to reach India. His compatriot Diaz had discovered the Cape in 1486, but failed to find the sea route to India.

The Battle of Blaauwber, 1806

The Battle of Blaauwber, 1806, a Shell picture story, South African history in pictures, Part III: 1796-1825

Greenmarket Square, Cape Town in 1825

Greenmarket Square, Cape Town in 1825; a Shell picture story, South African history in pictures, Part III: 1796-1825

An 1820 settler' camp on the Great Fish River

An 1820 settler' camp on the Great Fish River

Lord Charles Somerset

Lord Charles Somerset; a Shell picture story, South African history in pictures, Part III; 1796-1825

The travellers Colonel Gordon and Lietenant William Patterson named Orange River and visited its mouth in 1779

The travellers Colonel Gordon and Lietenant William Patterson named Orange River and visited its mouth in 1779. This is a drawing made by Gordon. A Shell picture story South African history in pictures Part II; 1764-1795.

Wiilem Adriaan van der Stel (Goewerneur from to 1705) farmed at Vergelege

Wiilem Adriaan van der Stel (Goewerneur from to 1705) farmed at Vergelegen-still a showpiece at Somerset West; A Shell picture story, South African history in pictures, Part I; 1652-1763

The British flag over the Castle

The British flag over the Castle; A shell picture story, South African history in pictures Part III; 1796-1825

The African Theatre, 1801

In 1801 the African Theatre, the first entertainment house, opened its doors on Riebeeck Square where it stands to this day. Shell picture story, South Africa history in pictures Part III; 1796-1825

A farmer returns to his farmhouse from hunting

A farmer returns to his farmhouse from hunting

Greenmarket Square, Cape Town, in 1764

Greenmarket Square, Cape Town, in 1764

The Grand Parade and Heerengracht (now Adderley Street) in 18th century, Cape Town

The Grand Parade and Heerengracht (now Adderley Street) in 18th century, Cape Town. A Shell picture story, South African history inpictures Part II; 1764-1795

Two coins of the Dutch East India Company

Two coins of the Dutch East indian Company. A Shell Picture story, South African history in pictures, Part II; 1764-1795

African Ritual Doll

Brown wooden carved African ritual doll.

African Ritual Doll

Black wooden carved African ritual doll.

The Martin Melck House, Cape Town, was built in 1782

The Martin Melck House, Cape Town, was built in 1782. This photograph of it was taken at the beginning of the 20th century. A Shell oicture stoty, South African history in pictures, Part II: 1764-1795


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