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Sizela Sugar Mill

Sizela Sugar Mill

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

A happy smile from Epworth High School pupil Diana de Carle as she received her founder's Bdge yesterday from the Divisional Commissioner, Mrs. W. Surredge.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

Angela Gaydon(centre) proudly displays her newly awarded Founders' Badge, which she received from Mrs. Margaret Knee, captain of the 1st Pinetown Company Guides. from the left are, Eileen Grey, Carolyn Sloan, Angela, Mrs. Knee and Maeve Doig.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

Ranger visits Rhodesia: Miss Jane Lloyd, a Ranger, the senior branch of the girl guides, and another South African ranger, Miss Ingrind Kuss, spent five weeks in Rhodesia as guest of Rhodesian Rangers.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

Brownies, Guides and Rangers Stage play: Zedekia (right), a high priestess of the pagan Goddess Bel, points an accusing finger at the invalid beggar, Crone (Ethel Janneker) as she tells the Pagan King (Valencia Harper), that she (Crone) had stolen the  offerings left for Bel.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

The M.L Sultan State Aided Indian Primary School in Dalton is to be congratulated, for in their first year of affiliation to the Pietermaritzburg Indian Guides, they captured three of the four trophies at the annual rally.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

Girl Guides in Durban: Girl Guides and Brownies came from as far away as Zululand for guide Sunday in Durban yesterday. The service was held in the City hall at which an address was given by Mrs. Milly Bloomberg.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

Guides throughout Natal are celebrating Guide Week this week and guides and Brownies will be going to school in their blue or brown uniform to help focus attention on Guiding.. in the picture Mrs. Georgie Payne, Girl Guide information officer, is seen with Mr.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

Janet the gentle gets a girl guide "First"

'Harvest at La Crau'

Color scene a farm, houses and workers during harvest at La Cra, with Montmajour inthe background.

'Still life: Vase with Twelve Sunflowers'

Color scene of a Vase with twelve sunflowers.

'Self Portrait:Vince van Gogh'

Color portrait of Vincent van Gogh.

'Noon: Rest from work'

Color scene of labours resting at noon on a pile of haystack with a cart and oxen on the background.

'Street in Saintes- Maries'

Color scene of Saintes- Maries's street in betweent houses.

By 1777 the Cape of Good Hope had become a busy port

By 1777 the Cape of Good Hope had become a busy port

'Fritillaries in a Copper Vase'

Color scene of Fritillaries flowers in a copper vase.

Boating on the still waters of the Mbilanhlola River

Boating on the still waters of the Mbilanhlola River

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

The girl Estcourt is proud of 18- year old Ingrid Kuss of the 1st guide company who was invested Lone Ranger, the first for 18 years in Natal. She is one of two who will represent the republic in Rhodesia.

'Young peasant Woman'

Color portrait of a young peasant woman wearing a straw hat, sitting in the wheat field.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

Here four of the Guides prepare to do the Durban centrl circuit. They are from the left: Miss Jean Powis, (16), a sea Ranger; Miss Hilary Payne, (17), a cadet; Miss Barbara Andersen, (16), and Miss Judy Santos, both Girl Guides. the girls delivered 30 meals in three hours.


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