
Thumbnail Title Description
Umgido weZangoma

Umgido weZangoma; a dance celebration for the initiates.

Umgido weZangoma

Umgido we Zangoma: a dance celebration of iZangoma for the initiates.


Mangubane, drapped in animal skins called imiqwambi' and white ocre with her 'ishoba'.


Macinga, male diviner wearing a skirt.


Pilambi, a female deviner from Zululand drapped in Iminqwaba.

Four Traditional Doctors

Four female deviners from the Bhaca tribe.

Isangoma: Bhaca

Isangoma, an elderly female deviner from the Bhaca tribe drapped in animal skins and beadwork.

ISangoma: Zulu

ISangoma, a male Zulu deviner dressed in animal skins and totems.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Fair Fell
Girl Guides of South Africa, Fair Fell

Miss Niven.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Fair Fell

Miss Blane and her dog.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Fair Fell

Miss Blane, Mrs North and Miss Miller.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Fair Fell
Girl Guides of South Africa, Fair Fell
Girl Guides of South Africa, Fair Fell

Provincial Camp. Guiders. Miss Sybil Dee, Miss Jenny Cockshoot.

Boqo: Xhosa Healer

Boqo, a Xhosa male deviner healing a baby with some muthi, outside his hut.

Family Healing

A female Sangoma visiting a family in Zululand to heal and perform some rituals.

'Boqo: Xhosa Healer'

Bobo. a Xhosa traditional healer outside his consultation hut.

'Uphondo lwePiti'

A traditional healer using 'Uphondo lwe Piti' to devine by holding in with a string.

'Uphondo lwePiti'

A traditional healer that uses 'uphondo lwepiti' to devine.


16155 records found.