
Thumbnail Title Description
Zulu Dawn: The First Fruit Ceremony

Scene of Zulu maidens dancing during the first fruit ceremony in the Zulu Dawn film.

Zulu Danw: The First Fruit Ceremony

Scene of Zulu youth dancing during the first fruit ceremony in the Zulu Dawn film.

Zulu Dawn: First Fruit Ceremony

Scene of Zulu youth dancing during the First Fruit Ceremony in the Zulu Danw film.

Zulu Dawn: The height of the battle

Scene of the British and Zulu heavily fighting during Impi yaseSandlwana, in Zulu Dawn film.

Zulu Dawn: An escape

Scene of Lt Melhill and Collonell Loghill escaping with horses the Zulu war, in Zulu Dawn film.

Marianhill Album

Zulu Sangoma

Marianhill Album

Gathering of Zulu males, full dress (possibly a festive occasion)

Marianhill Album

Witchdoctor  (Sangoma) consulting with patient

Marianhill Album

Zulu youth crossing drift in the river

Marianhill Album

Unmarried Zulu girls (centre girl making sleeping matt)

Marianhill Albbum

Zulu Homestead

Marianhill Album

Crossing a drift above a waterfall

Marianhill Album

Zulu dancers at festivity

Marianhill Album

Zulu homestead

Zulu boy milking cow

Zulu herd boys milking cattle  

Marianhill Album

Zulu homestead

Marianhill Album

Group of Zulu headmen

Zulu men

Zulu men

Marianhill Album

Chief Lokothwayo and his 2 brothers

Zulu men drinking Zulu beer

Group of Zulu at beer drink


16155 records found.