
Thumbnail Title Description
Zulu sangomas

Zulu sangomas

Zulu man and Zulu dwarf

Zulu man and Zulu dwarf

Zulu man and his wives

Zulu man and his wives

Bhaca women

Bhaca women

Zulu woman with hoe carrying a baby

Zulu woman with hoe carrying a baby

Zulu men cutting hair

Zulu men cutting hair

Tonga women

Tonga women

Community meeting in Swaziland

Community meeting in Swaziland

Zulu sangoma or diviner

Zulu sangoma or diviner

King Dinuzulu's chair

King Dinuzulu's chair

Zulu men attending meeting

Zulu men attending meeting

Basotho boys playing on the kart, Kokstard

Basotho boys playing on the kart, Kokstard

Zulu blacksmith temporary shelter

Zulu blacksmith temporary shelter

Remnants of King Dingane's kraal

Remnants of King Dingane's kraal

King Shaka' grave

King Shaka' grave

King Dingane' chair

King Dingane' chair

Durban's Oldest Sailor Boys: Captain Anderson

Captain Alex Anderson honored on his 89th birthday as the Durban's oldest Sailor boy.

'The war in South Africa :Native hut Tax

Sketch scene of Mr. Moodie the Magistrate of LadySmith collecting hut tax from natives.

Beaded Cloak

Beaded beautiful cloak for a bride.

Beaded Armlet

Beaded armlet for women.


16155 records found.