
Thumbnail Title Description
" Isigqiki"

Carved Wooden headrest made out of Quinean Tree( Umhlambamanzi). The headrest has three legs, decorated with three triangles each. It was donated by Mr.  S. Bourquin to the Campbell Collections.

" Zulu Wooden Spoon"

Wooden carved spoon with a long thin handle that has incisions in the middle and tip, it goes togeter with MM 3272.

Grey Town

Grey Town Church

Morden wooden spoon

A big wooden spoon.

Grey Town

Grey Town Church

Grey Town

Pine street, Grey Town

Grey Town

House Ceiling

Grey Town

Church in Grey Town

Grey Town

Grey Town Church

Grey Town

Church, Grey Town

Grey Town

Church view, Grey Town

Grey Town

Grey Town street.

Grey Town

Church in Grey Town

Grey Town

Church interior, Grey Town

Grey Town

Church interior, Grey Town

Grey Town

House in Grey Town

Grey Town

Grey Town

Grey Town

House Top view, Grey Town

Grey Town

House furniture, Grey Town


Primitive stylized male figure with eyes carved in circles. Wearing tribe girdle of fiber and beads and a necklace of old beads.


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