
Thumbnail Title Description
Jesus visits a home

Scene of an African child in a Zulu hut talking to Jesus and his disciples.  There is a three legged pot, kettle and backet in the center of the house.

'The Fig Tree'

A scene of Jesus and his disciplines cursing the fig tree. They are dressed in white robes in a Zulu landscape.

'Emotions and Colors'

Abstract of a face. 

" Discord"

Polychromatic abstract of a figure playing a musical instrument.


Colourful and black and black and white abstract with bold colours.

'A Headless Man'

Symphonic abstract of a human like object with no head.

'Over the Bridge'

A colourful scene of a bridge over a wide lagoon, with mountains and houses on the banks. There is a car crossing the bridge.

Zulu Homestead

Pen and colour pencil scene of Zulu men being served beer in a rural homestead, there are also children and domestic animals on the scene.


Pen and colour pencil scene of two women entering a homestead of two huts, carrying beer pots on their heads.n Other huts and mountains can be seen at the far end.


A colourful pen and pencil scene of road winding through a rural village with mountains.

" Children at play"

Symphonic abstract of a human face.

'The Rainbow Nation'

Coloured ink abstract of the South African flag. 

" Hard Times"

Monochrome abstract of a husband and wife looking sad and depressed in their home.

Going back home

Scene of a traditional Zulu man, dressed in Ibheshu, iHawu noMqhele walking in the veld going back home from hunting or war.


Black and white scene of African Pastor from the Zionist church holding a cross while praying over a sick man and the other one baptized.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Karine Hinett, 10, of the 1st Umhlali Brownie pack, smiles confidently after receiving the Link Badge, the highest award for Brownies at a 'going-up ceremony'

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Umhlatuzana pack, Japan.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Mrs Moon giving traffic lesson at Umlazi 1982.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Mrs Monn with deaf at Umlazi centre. Brownie revels thinking day 1982.

Girls Guide of South Africa: Coastal Natal 1982-1984

Brownie revels thinking day 1982, Blue las for lagoon beach. Mrs Moon with gift deaf at Umlazi centre.


16139 records found.