
Thumbnail Title Description
Africa Peetsho

Black and white scene of African peetsho.

"Les funeralles des cafret Hottentots"

Black and white engraved scene of Hottentots during a funeral ceremony of a society member.

'Dance at the Mosque'

Black and white engraving scene of Hottentots dancing at the Mosque.

Hottentot Homestead

Black nd white engraving of a Hottentot homestead.

Hottentots: The Royal Family

Black and white engraving of a Hottentot Royal Family in 1810.

'Vaillant 's Travels"

Black and white engraved scene of Vaillant's travelings.

Country scene with two figures

Watercolor scene of Country with two human figures walking on a path.

Hottentot Women

Black and white engraved scene of two Hottentot women dressed in European Clothes.

'The Appeal of the Hottentots'

Black and white engraved scene of the Hottentot man and woman during an appeal.

Hottentot Man and Woman

Black and white engraved scene of a Hottentot man and woman.

Girls Guide of South Africa : 1st Durban North Pack

1st Durban North Pack: Japanese valley 1976.

Girls Guide of South Africa : 1st Durban North Pack

1st Durban North Pack: Japanes valley 1976.

Girls Guide of South Africa : 1st Durban North Pack

1st Durban North Pack: Japanese Valley 1976.

Girls Guide of South Africa : 1st Durban North Pack

Durban North Pack: Japanese Valley 1976.

Girls Guide of South Africa : 1st Durban North Pack

Durban North Girl Guides: Japanese valley.

Hindu Temples

Shri Poongavana Ammen Temple.

Himba Tribe

Himba Tribe


The clubhouse of property development at Hillcrest which emulates the English style of the architecture.

E.g Malherbe

Hertzdog, Gen B.


Young Hormonal Herbicides protesters await the arrival of Dr van Niekerk and Tala Valley farmers at the entrance to the Eston Club


16139 records found.