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Meeting held in City Hall

Council in Committee

RE: Position of Indians

Proposals by his Worship the Mayor (Councillor R. Ellis Brown J.P.)

Meeting of Chief Gatsha Buthelezi, Prime Minister of the Zulus, and Chief Kaiser Mathanzima. Meetingng held in Durban January 1983

Meeting of Chief Gatsha Buthelezi, Prime Minister of the Zulus, and Chief Kaiser Mathanzima. Prime Minister of the Transkei. Meeting held in Durban January 1983

Memorandum by Indian Representatives on Lawrence Committee in regard to Provision of choice residential sites

The Lawrence Committee was inaugurated on the 14th March 1940 as a result of the visit of the Minister of Interior the Hon.

Memorandum by the submitted by the Representatives of the Natal Indian Association on the Lawrence Committee

The Lawrence Committee was inaugurated on the 14th.

Memorandum for City Council's Representatives on Lawrence Committee dated 15th May 1942

Memorandum for City Council's Representatives on Lawrence Committee dated 15th May 1942

The Hon. the Minister of the Interior has notified his Worship the Mayor that it is his intention to visit Durban on Friday

Memorandum for City Council's Representatives on Lawrence Committee dated 18th May 1942

Re: Lawrence Committee

Your letter of the 18th March 1941 addressed to Mr S Rustomjee of the Natal Indian Association has been referred to me.

Memorandum for City Council's Representatives on Lawrence Committee.

At a meeting of the City Council held on the 22 December 1941.....

That in reply to his enquiry whether any good purpose would be served by the submission to the Lawrence Committee of the petition received by him in respect of an alleged Indian penetration.....

Memorandum for the Lawrence Committee to Judicial Commission dated 29 July 1940


Re : Indian Penetration Commission

As requested in your letter of 21st instant I now attach hereto a copy of the Memorandum by the Lwarence Committee to the Chairman......

Memorandum for the Lawrence Committee. Revised list of specific cases under and awaiting investigation

Revised List of Specific Cases under and waiting Investigation

Memorandum for the Lawrence Committee. Specific Cases dated 16 April 1940

From time to time The Lawrence Committee has dealt with cases of intended acquisitions by Indians in predominantly European areas. Details of these cases are set out hereunder :

Memorandum from the Natal Indian Association to the Durban City Council

Your letter of the 18th .March, 1941, addressed to Mr. S. Rustomjee of the Natal Indian Association has been referred to me. I have been asked to reply to same by the Natal Associations' representatives on the Lawrence Committee.

Memorandum submitted to the City Council Durban in respect of improvement in housing farming and other such amenities.

Memorandum submitted to the City Council Durban in respect of improvement in housing farming and other such amenities.


The Natal Municipal Association applauds the action of the Hon. the Minister of the Interior in the appointment of this Commission, for the purpose of investigating the respects in which Chapter 1 of the Asiatic Land Tenure etc.

Memorandum submitted to the Right Honourable the Prime Minister by the Durban Joint Committee on the subject of the Indian Problem in Natal

Memorandum submitted to the Right Honourable the Prime Minister by the Durban Joint Committee on the subject of the Indian Problem in Natal

Memorandum to Durban City Council's Deputation to interview his Honour the Administration and the the Hon. the Minister of the Interior

From time to time in the past the Council has given its attention to the question of Indian Penetration in Durban. During October 1939, public interest was sharply focussed on the question. On 24th October 1939 the Hon. the Minister of the Interior......

Memorandum to the Chairman and members of the Judicial Commission appointed by his Excellence the Governor General....

Memorandum to the Chairman and members of the Judicial Commission appointed by his Excellence the Governor General....

Your Secretary has requested me to furnish to you a comprehensive report upon the findings of The Lawrence Committee.

Memorandum to the Town Clerk

Memorandum to the Town Clerk

re: Lawrence Committee : Letter from the Principal Immigration Officer.

I have considered the letter from the Principal Immigartion Officer of the 28th ultimo


Memorandum to the Town Clerk / Lawrence Committee : Memorandum By Natal Indian Association

I have examined very carefully the memorandum submitted by the Natal Indian Association on the 29th May last upon which the Council members of the Lawrence Committee have so far been unable to come to any decision.....

Memorandum to the Town Clerk dated 1st May 1940

The Town Clerk will recollect that on Saturday, 27th ultimo, Mr. Geake, the Principal Immigration Officer called at this office and was taken by me to the Town Clerk. Mr.

Military camp, Natal

Military camp, Natal


1282 records found.