Gandhi-Luthuli Documentation Centre

Thumbnail Title Description
Letters of Ebrahim and Phyllis Naidoo

Letter between Ebrahim and Phyllis Naidoo

Letter to Kulile Mpahlaza from Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Kulile Mpahlaza

Phyllis writed to the news editor

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to a newspaper editor.

Letters to Shirley-Ann from Phyllis Naidoo

Letters from Phyllis Naidoo to Shirley-Ann

Letters to Sheila and Mark from Phyllis Naidoo

Letters from Phyllis Naidoo to Sheila and Mark

The effects of Durban Municipality's informal economy policy on informal market management : a case study of Millennium Market, Phoenix (Thesis, 2008)

“The hawkers have trundled up their carts and repacked their wares, the pavements are bustling with women…. They bump each other, they buy from each other bargaining, bantering all the time” (Hart in Preston-Whyte and Rogerson, 1991: 70).

Victoria Street Indian Market 1910 - 1973

In any undertaking of this nature, the author, usually, has a source of motivation. In this instance, my inspiration was derived from my grandfather who for the majority of his life, sold fruit and vegetable in his Victoria Street Indian Market stall.

A socio-economic profile of four market gardening communities in metropolitan Durban

There is a growing number of studies concerning the nature of communities settled on the fringes of the Durban metropolitan area.

A geography of hawking at the Westcliffe market

The last century has witnessed an unprecedented rate of urbanization in the developing countries. Normally because the rural areas cannot support the poor families$, they migrate to urban Centre seeking employment.

Squatters Market / Institute for Social and Economic Research. 1976

Market gardening has been a traditional way of life of the Indian community for many years. In the Report of the Coolie Commission (1872) for example, mention is made of small locations of Indians in the neighbourhood of Durban who carried on a thriving trade 1n the sale of vegetables.

Letters to Rajes from Phyllis Naidoo

Letters from Phyllis Naidoo to Rajes

Letters of Nersen and Phyllis Naidoo

Letters of Phyllis Naidoo and Nersen

Letters of P.B Singh(Kaka) and Phyllis Naidoo

Letters of P B Singh and Phyllis Naidoo

Letters of Frank,Gwen and Phyllis Naidoo

Letters of Phyllis Naidoo, Frank and Gwen.

Letters to the joint matriculation board from Phyllis Naidoo

Letters from Phyllis Naidoo to the matriculation board.

The History of the Indian market gardeners of Cliffdale (1977 – 1987)

This study will be examining the circumstances surrounding the founding of Cliffdale, and the tracing of the community up to the present. Particular attention will be paid to market gardening.

Letter to the Department of Higher Education

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to the Department of Higher Education.

The Durban Central Business District : A Delimitation and Land Use Study

There has been many conflicting ideas about what ·the Central Business District (C.B.D) of Durban is, and where its boundaries are located. There have been delimitation and land use studies·applied to a few cities in South Africa, but not Durban.

The third world challenge business affirmative action and third world economy

From The year at UDW 1988 The third world challenge business affirmative action and third world economy In July 1988, the Development Society of South Africa held its third biennial conference at the University of Durban-Westville.

The Indian Trader

The Indian trader made his appearance shortly after the arrival of the Indentured Indian. This pattern is evident wherever the Indentured Indian set foot, be it Mauritius, Trinidad, British Guiana or any of the British colonies.


12024 records found.