Gandhi-Luthuli Documentation Centre

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Indian workers and trades unions in Durban, 1930-1950


An analysis of some aspects of employment and unemployment in the African townships of Umlazi and Lamontville : a preliminary investigation. 1985.

This occasional paper is part of a continuing project concerned with tile theme of unemployment, poverty and employment creation in South Africa, with special emphasis on Natal and Durban.

The income and employment structure of Indians in the Durban municipal area

The scope of labour economics is wide, covering such diverse topics
as income distribution, trade unions, unemployment and discrimination.
Much of the current attention devoted to labour economics comes from

Occupational choices of women in South Africa (Thesis, 2000)

The purpose of this study is to determine women's perceptions and choices of different categories of occupations and the reasons for such choices. Since the

A Study of African Domestic Workers in an Indian Township

This research is undertaken in the belief that sociologists and anthropologists in South Africa have a particular obligation to record the injustice and exploitation that surround us and of which we are often a contributing factor.

A historical investigation into the garment industry in Natal with specific reference to the garment workers industrial union [Natal]

The history of the Garment Workers Industrial Union indicates that its strategy is one of negotiation and subordination. As paid representatives of the Garment Workers, the union did not and does not wish to attack the autonomous power of the employers.

Letter from Miss N M Hargovan to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Miss N M Hargovan to Phyllis Naidoo

South African Indian politics and labour 1920-1933

Most earlier studies of South African Indian politics have
often been based on the assunption that, regardless of class
cleavages, there existed e,nong Indians a fundanental unity
of interests. Although these writers often indicated

Industrial relations and the development of trade unions in Natal before 1926

A form of race conscious craft unionism was, as a result, almost inevitable in South Africa, and came to be adopted by other labour elites developing within the society, for example the railway workers.10 Thus, the major labour events of the next one and a half decades may be seen in these terms,

The Dynamics of lndian Family Firms in Durban

The author argues that there is a relationship between the joint family and economic (business) development and that contrary to the general belief that the joint (or extended) family is an inhibition to development, it has been in Durban a positive element.

The Lobito Bay Indians

In April 1907 some 2 208 ex-indentured Indians left Durban for Lobito Bay in Angola. The object of their attraction was the Benguela Railway, work on which had begun in 1903.

Employment Opportunities for University Trained Indians

Manpower surveys are common in many countries but differ widely in approach and scope depending upo  particular needs.

Letter from Pat Poovalingam to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Pat Poovalingam to Phyllis Naidoo

Garment Workers' Industrial Union (Natal) : golden jubilee, 1934-1984

The creation of a garment involves dozens of specialized tailoring skills, many of them unique to and representing the peak of hand craftsmanship.

The Decline of Stevedoring Labour in Durban: 1959-1990

The movement of commodities around the world has been a crucial way in which
capitalist and colonial economies have functioned. Ships and harbours have been the
focus of the transportation of commodities for many centuries, and today, while there are

Making poverty research political Student "Wages Commissions " in Durban 1971-3

Over the course of the 1970s, social science measures of a family’s minimum
needs ceased being the limited concern of a few academics and started to become
instruments of liberation. Since Edward Batson’s extensive Social Survey of Cape Town

Factory and Family: lndian Factory Workers in Durban

Introduction 1 should start by clarifying the theme on which I will speak, namely Indian women's attitudes towards their jobs and their perceptions of how their jobs affect their family lives.

Job satisfaction of Indian married women in the clothing industry in Durban and its effects on their interpersonal family relationships

The present investigation was carried out in order to ascertain the degree of job satisfaction experienced by Indian married women employed in the clothing industry in Durban, and the effect of this on their interpersonal relationships within the family group.

Letter from Rebeccah Kgongwana to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Rebeccah Kgongwana to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Joseph Zulu to Phyllis Naidoo

Letter from Joseph Zulu to Phyllis Naidoo



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