Centre for African Literary Studies

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Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Alex Tetteh-Lartey introduced artists and music from Gambia. The exhibition of contemporary Gambian artists took place in the capital, Banjul. Toni Sise, Secretary General of the Club that organized the exhibition explained to Baboucar Gaye all.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Nigeria isn't only a large and populous nation, but it is also the hoe of culture with strong traditions of drama.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

David Bradshaw visited open air art gallery which is found at Tassili Plateau in south eastern Algeria, and wrote a report about the hauntingly beautiful works of art.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Abdelwahab Hammoudi is an Algerian writer, screenwriter and filmmaker; who's made around a dozen films to his credit and he writes directly in english.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Alex Tetteh-Lartey argues that many of the most glorious creations by traditional African artists now live behind glass, on shelves in museums outside Africa; in Britain and in other European countries and in the United States.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Paddy Brew a Ganaian Poet who began writing poetry in 1975. He's been talking to Patrick Quarcoo about his style and why he has adopted it. While Neville Harms talks with Bai T. Moore from Liberia, who made his name with his dectective story 'Murder In The Cassava Patch'.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Songs that tell of brave deeds and fierce warriors who through the telling cease to be men and become giants were all part of the education of the temporary playwright,  Tsegaye Gabre Medhin, who's been in London lecturing on a subject dear to his heart - the cultural expressions that he believes

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

"Biko" by Peter Gabriel was a song about the South African Black Consciousness leader, Steve Biko. In 1982 he helped set up WOMAD, the festival of the world of Music, Arts and Dance.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

This program talks about the importance of preserving Africa's musical heritage.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

This is about a poem called, "Epitaph for Biafra" by a Nirerian playwright and poet, Ken Saro-Wiwa. The poem is part of the collection entitled "Songs in a Time of War", which largely about the Nigeria Civil War.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

In this programme Alex Tetteh-Lartey looks at two people who have taken on attributes from societies which are not their own. One is a novelist, Don Bloch writing about Kenya and the other is an operatic singer from Nigeria, Martha Ulaeto.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Drama and Theatre are well established in Nigeria. Dr, Biodun Jeyifo of the University of Ife published a book on African drama called "The Truthful Lie: Essays In A Sociology of African Drama". Dr.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Zimbabwean film-maker, Claude Maredza talks about his new film called "Harurwa". Harurwa is a rare incect found in the forests of the Bikitoarea in south east Zimbabwe.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

The National Theatre in Uganda with the help from the British Council, set up a community theatre workshopin the eastern town of Mbale.Teachers, health workers, social workers and civil servants came together  for a month to work out techniques for making community theatre more effective.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

This programme talks about two different approaches to the role and provision of the arts in Uganda.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

This programme is about the regular guest on the programme, John Collins from Ghana who talks about his new album and his music.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

Ruth Schaffner, the owner and director  of Watatu Art Gallery talks about  her plans for the gallery.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

This programme is about two differing views of freedom of expression in Ghana from young Ghanaian academic, Appiah Sackey and Kodjo Crosben, a poet.

Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London


Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

This programme is about a month long season of events focusing on the Islands of Mautatius, the Seychelles and the Indian Ocean which covers many aspects of the region's culture including music at London's Africa Centre.


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