
Thumbnail Title Description
Announcement!: Notice of referendum

Maroon and white poster. Notice of SRC referendum. Artwork of a scroll with pen and ink at bottom. List of Polling Stations, Roving ballot takers and residences.

Stop the hangings

White poster with green border. Black and white artwork of rope noose containing people holding a green flag with title in black and white lettering. Issued by Projects Committee.

Alex six day war: black life is cheap

Yellow poster with black border and black and red lettering. Three images of fires with people around them. Issued by Projects Committee.

Terrorist limpet mines : public awareness chart 1

Yellow poster with white border and title in black on border. Photos of limpet mines in centre of poster.

Letter bombs : public awareness chart 2

Black poster with red centre with zig zag edges showing a brown paper parcel. Red and white writing on the black poster giving details of what to watch for. White border.

Foreign grenades : public awareness chart 3

Pink poster with white border. Coloured photos of foreign grenades. White border.

Terrorist anti personnel mines : public awareness chart 12

Light green poster with white border. Coloured photos of anti personnel mines.

Terrorist spoil and equipment waste 1 : public awareness chart 13

Golden coloured poster with white border. Coloured photos of spoil and equipment waste. Warnings.

Harassment: unemployment: patience

Brown poster with light blue title and border. Title only.

May Day workers unite

Cream poster with red and yellow lettering. Title only.


Black and white poster with title in four languages. Photo of crowds of people running.

Samora in talks with racist SA

White poster with red lettering. Red image of a man.

Save our comrades : don't let them hang

Yellow poster with title in red lettering. SAYCO Logo in black and white. Western Cape Region. Image of black fist with red speak breaking through hangman's noose. List of people sentenced to death.

Strike for R80? : how much has this cost you and your family?

Red and white poster regarding strike. SAA Logo in top left hand corner. List of grievances.


Black and white poster. Four photographs in negative form of various events in South Africa. Advertisement for Afrapix. Reel of negatives at top right hand corner with Afrapix on it.

Security through advancement with defence means freedom for all

Issued by the Transvaal Branch - Veterans for Victory. Initials SADF in yellow letters on red blocks. Rest of title in red letters.

Terrorist anti tank mines : public awareness chart 11

Light purple poster with white border. Coloured photos of anti tank mines. Warnings.

Books for workers from Ravan Press

Advertisement for Ravan Press. Title in red letters outlined in black. Yellow, red, black and white artwork of workers with books. Examples of types of books for sale.

Riverlea Human Rights Committee

Yellow poster with title in red letters. Declaration of human rights in black letters. Image of a jail cell with two persons inside.

Our rights = our future

Blue, red and yellow poster. Blue artwork of children dancing across bottom of poster on red background. Lettering in yellow. Yellow circle representing the sun with works "all children have a right to". Yellow rays from the sun each setting out a right.


3485 records found.