
Thumbnail Title Description
Less talk more action stop the killings

White poster with red lettering. Title only.

Apartheid monster resign now

White poster with red lettering. Black and white photograph of De Klerk with graffitti of fangs and red blood spots.

De Klerk resign

White poster with red lettering. Title only.

Hang De Klerk

White poster with red lettering. Title only.

Release all detainees: 1030 detained this year 220 still in detention

White poster with black strip at bottom. White and black lettering. Artwork of person in jail cell. Black border.

Edgar Brookes Memorial Academic Freedom Lecture

White poster with black lettering. Artwork of a man with a mortar board bound by ropes. Notice of a lecture on Tuesday 28th May. Speaker Sheena Duncan, National President Black Sash. SRC Pietermaritzburg stamp.

Sharpeville behind us: a peoples' democracy ahead of us

White poster with dark brown lettering. Artwork of men marching.

Enjoin good forbid evil: yes to defiance no to racist elections

White poster with title in black and green letters, black illustration of a hand holding a gun. Muslim Students Association poster with their logo. Title "Enjoin good forbid evil" - quote from Al-quran. "Don't vote" at foot of poster.

Voetsak De Klerk and your CODESA

White poster with blue lettering. Title only.

This worker is protesting for three days: against bannings and restrictions

Cream background with artwork in black of an image of a persons head and shoulder and the number three on the forehead. Words at the bottom: This protest is peaceful.

Justice must be done not talked about

White poster with black lettering. Title only.

Stop the killings

Red lettering on white background. Title only.

Hands off our crossroads: No apartheid war

End Conscription Campaign poster. White with red strip at bottom with white lettering. Black and white images of army firing guns in a township.

Why is Harald Winkler fasting? : to protest conscription and SADF presence in the townships

Cream poster with purple lettering. Black images of soldiers across page. End Conscription Campaign poster.

So where's the party.

Title in white letters on black parachute. Red SADF Logo with number 75 on it. Candles lit on names of townships. 75 years of SADF. End Conscription Campaign. Red border.

don't give a war toy this Christmas

White poster with black lettering. Artwork of a boy opening parcel with a large rifle. Christmas cards hanging up and Christmas stocking. Issued by the End Conscription Campaign.

Toys are for cuddling not for killing

Black poster with white lettering. Two artworks of children receiving toys at Christmas - one with a teddy bear and one with a gun with words "would you buy your child a war toy to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace?" and "buy toys for peace!". Issued by the End Conscription Campaign.

On the land: MayDay is ours

Black and white; with artwork of workers in the field.

In the world: MayDay is ours

Black and white; with artwork of workers and workers tools around the map of the world.

18 more nails in democracy's coffin: 18 less chances for peace

White poster with title in red letters. Artwork of a black coffin. Issued by Projects Comm. Black border around black lettering giving statistics of UDF, SAYCO, SANSCO and COSATU.


3485 records found.