Briefs (Legal Documents)

Thumbnail Title Description
Judgment - Pather vs Rex
Commission of Enquiry into matters affecting the Indian Population of the Province of Natal

It is hereby notified that is Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has been pleased to appoint.....

Bill to Amend the Immigrants Act 1913

Bill to Amend the Immigrants Act 1913

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Assembly of the Union of South Africa, as follows:

Fourth Session, Twelfth Council - 1888

Fourth Session, Twelfth Council - 1888

Commission - Colonial Secretary


Whereas the legislative council of this colony did by Address dated the .... request me to appoint a Commision to inquire into and report upon the Indian immigration Laws and regulations....

Contract of Service with Indian Immigrants

While the salary aspect of the contract was clearly described the lodging, food and accommodation often left much t be desired

Deed of Transfer by Virtue of a Power of Attorney

Deed of Transfer by Virtue of a Power of Attorney

Know all Men whom it may concern...appeared before me. Registrar of Deeds, HE, the said Appeared, being duly authorized therefore by a Special....

Indenture Legal Document - Bond

Introduction of Coolies Underlaw No. 15, 1859.

Know all Men by these pesents

Memorandum of agreement between Chris Dutton and Bruccoli Clark Layman, Inc
Agreement between Frederick A. Praeger Inc. Publishers and Alan Paton and Edward Callan
Heads of Agreement between Union Artists Trust Fund and Alan Paton and Krishna Shah
Heads of Agreement between Union Artists Trust Fund and Alan Paton and Krishna Shah
Memorandum of agreement between Charles Scribner's Sons and Editions Stock
Agreement document signed between Barry Wade Phillips and Alan Paton
Agreement between London Film Productions Limited and Alan Paton
Possible policy positions, The South African Communist Party on Land Reforms: a personal briefing for Ray Simons

Background of land reform and the Party's role, the South African Communist Party and other political organisations' involvement in land reform and policies for land reform.

Possible policy positions, The South African Communist Party on Land Reforms: a personal briefing for Ray Simons

Background of land reform and the Party's role, the South African Communist Party and other political organisations' involvement in land reform and policies for land reform.

The SACP Johannesburg district night school pilot project

Short notes on the establishment of the SACP Johannesburg district night school projects

Guidelines for the imposition of maximum sentence

Guidelines on the imposition of capital punishment within the SACP. Addendum to the Inner-Party Bulletin, January 1986.

Comments and replies to questions as submitted by Defence Solicitors in case against Guardian

Comments and replies to questions as submitted by Defence Solicitors in I B Tabata's case against The Guardian newspaper.


42 records found.