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Democracy Watch - No. 4 1998


The Romantic story of Diamonds

Diamond Rush

Lenasia Yuvuk Mandal 25th Year Celebration, 1969-1994

Salutations to one and all, Welcome to the LENASIA YUVAK MANDAUS NEWSLETTER 1994 with a New Look . . .

Bharatha Natyam Arangetram of Kumari Janani Naidoo

Culture Dance

Bharata Natyam Araiigetram of KUMARI KRPAVATI

Bharata Natyam Arangetrum

Bharathanatyam Arangetrum of Kumari Jeenesha Naidoo

Culture dance

Routes to democracy in the new South Africa: Some comments on CODESA's task
Dance and Music
YMCA: South Africa
Aid to India

For the past .ten years, January 26th has been observed in India as Independence Day. The great majority of the people of India long for the day when' their land will be completely independent of foreign control.

Indentured Indians. A Brief History(1860-1910)

White farmers needed labour on sugar farms.

Natal sugar farmer JAMES SAUNQERS, who had previously owned sugar plantations in MAURITIUS on which he employed Indian labour; strongly motivated for Indian labour to be imported into Natal.

United Nations 50th Anniversary Multicultural Celebration

United Nations 50th Anniversary Multicultural Celebration

The Province of KwaZulu-Natal fully supports the celebration of the United Nations Fiftieth Anniversary. The Province supports the body's peace effort.....

What the United Nations is Doing

What the United Nations is Doing

Basic Facts about the United Nations

Basic Facts about the United Nations

the United Nations Charter expresses the ideals and the common aims of all the peoples whose governments joined together to form the United Nations. It says:......

A note on the Indo-European situation in Natal

It is perhaps as well for us to remind ourselves sometimes that South Africa has no mono~oly of problems. The spotlight of world opinion has recently picked out the Natal Indians from among the vast crowd of principals and supers on the world stage, as set at UN.

Samarpan Pandit Nardev Vedalankar. Veda Jyoti Souvenir Brochure, Nov 1988

This issue of Ved Jyoti is dedicated to its founder, Pandit Nardev Vedalankar, on the occasion of his 75th birthday. His work in the community has been outstanding, earning the appreciation of everyone involved in our religious and cultural organizations.

Shree Sanathan Dharma Sabha

IN the year 1941, a few_people, namely, the late Mr. H. N. MaharaJ, the late Mr. B. R. Singh, the late Mr. M. K.

Open minds in open Universities

ON the 13th May, 1955, in the House of Assembly, the Minister of Education, Mr. Viljoen, said that "it had to be remembered that apartheid was the expressed policy of the Government, and it had announced time and again that it would carry out this policy in the universities.

The Great Crisis Ahead

LET us remember what promises brought the Nationalist Party to power.

South Africa's the way forward

THE policy of the Nationalist Government is opposed by most of the people of South Africa and condemned by democratic people throughout the world. Nevertheless, the Government is going ahead at ever-increasing speed to implement that policy.


106 records found.