
Thumbnail Title Description
Orientation and registration programme for first year students 1981

It has become commonplace to proceed to one or other Institution of tertiary education after Matric or Senior Certificate. But the transition from school to University still remains one of the most challenging.......


CCECOD community involved projects and initiatives

The Comittee on continuing Education, Community outreach and Development (CCECOD) is a standing Committee of Senate, and also a task group of the University Planning Committee.........


We'd like as many people as possible to know as much as they can about the Indaba so as to enable them to make intelligent, informed decisions about their future........

The Diocese of Natal

This little booklet has been prepared for publication, to mark the Dedication of the Cathedral on 22nd November, 1981. It incorporates in the centre pages.....

Swami Vivekananda

My children, the secret of religion is not in theories but in practice. To be good and to do good - that is the whole of religion.......

Subject - Education Metho exercise book

More Haste-Less Safety. Carelessness and thoughtlessness cause accidents.....

Natal Indian Teachers Centenary educational tour

THE projected tour on the part of a group of Indian teachers from Natal to India, scheduled to commence in a few days time, is the first organised event of its kind in our history. The tour has been planned........

European prior to the 4th century
The India of Gandhi - Gandhi Souvenir publications

His begin nings were unremarkable. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in 1869 in a conservative Hindu family in Porbandar, Gujarat. He was, by his own standards, a 'mediocre' student who did not shine in any particular field. His religious tolerance found its beginnings in his childhood,

The Buddhist Retreat Centre

The Centre has been established on an exquisite 125 hectare country estate  near the village of Ixopo, KwaZuhi-Natal, 90 kilometers south of
Pietermaritzburg, one and a half hours' drive from Durban. Set in hilly grasslands among dams.....

Gandhi miscellaneous articles
Gandhi Centenary Year 1969

I am glad to know t hat t he Directare of Advertising and Visual Publicity is bringing out its "Prestige Diary" for 1969 on the theme of Gandhiji.

Navajivan publications in English

Letters from · M. K. Gandhi to Esther FaeringThese letters written by Gandhiji to a European lady, and dealing with personal, dome stic, national and international problems, give us an insight into the spiritual aspect of his life.

Navajivan Publication in English - a catalogue for reference.

During Gandhi Centenary year we receive many inqwnes from individual readers as well as booksellers about our publications. We have tried our level best to satisfy their queries and that has led us to undertake the publication of our detailed reference catalogue.....

Tribute to Gandhi 100 years souvenier brochure

The South African context is a dynamic one, and at times it seems hard to imagine what sort of future lies ahead. Yet inspite of all this confusion the philosophies of the Mahatma shine through.......

Mahatma Gandhi birth celebration

EVERY year on this day celebrations are held all over the world to observe the birth of Mahatma Gandhi. In South Africa too.....

A Tribute to Gandhi, by the Hindu Students Association.

Like all great historical figures, MAHATMA GANDHI was a very controversial man. His philisophy of life and his religious practices stemmed largely from.....

SABC financial principles and practice
Performance management skills


111 records found.