
Thumbnail Title Description
Sharpeville 21 March 1960

Article regarding the Sharpeville 21 March 1960. 5 000 people gathered at the Sharpeville police station near Johannesburg to start the Pan Africanist Congress campaign as a result 69 people lay dead 180 were wounded.

Does Luthuli deserve the Nobel Prize?

Extract from the Rand Daily Mail, Monday, October 30, 1961. The article debating the validity of giving Albert Luthuli the Nobel Prize for Peace.

The agrarian problem

An address delivered by I B Tabata to the Society of Young Africa (SOYA); an organisation affiliated to the Unity Movement and consists mainly of young urban workers and intellectuals.

The road to Oslo and beyond

Article about Chief Albert Lutuli's Nobel Peace Prize award with extracts from the speech by Mr Gunnar Jahn, President of the Nobel Institute on the occasion of the presentation of the Nobel Peace Prize in the Oslo University, 10 December 1961 and the acceptance speech by Chief Lutuli.

South Africa's way forward

South Africa's way forward: statement by Moses Kotane, published in "Advance" (successor to the banned "Guardian") on May 6 and 13, 1954 about the Government's apartheid policy

Land and national oppression

This paper clearly describes the land rights of the natives in the Cape Colony from the Ordinance and up until the Ten Point Programme and discussing the problem of national oppression with regards to the social and economic conditions and the fact that the people of South Africa were landless, v

The Freedom Charter

An article adopted at the Congress of the people in Kliptown, Johannesburg regarding the declaration made by the people of South Africa that South Africa belong to all who live in it , black and white, and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of all the peo

Persecution under apartheid law in South Africa

Paper by Dora Taylor on human rights violations perpetrated by the apartheid government.

Why the United Front failed: Disruptive role of the PAC

Why the United Front failed: Disruptive role of the PAC, by Dr Y M Dadoo, article published in New Age, March 29, 1962. Articles gives reasons for the failure of the 'United Front', citing the PAC 'attack' on the ANC and its leaders

The international situation

This address was delivered at the 9th National Conference of the Non-European Movement in Pietermaritzburg, on the 3rd-5th of January, 1962. This paper outlines the anti-colonial struggles of the oppressed around the world.

Excerpts from Nobel lecture by Luthuli in Oslo


Luthuli dressed as Zulu chief, gets his prize: South Africa as a threat to world peace....


Sport: Threat to the security of the state

Brutus expounds on Special Branch interference in sports in line with apartheid ideology of white dominance. Instances of harassment of people and events connected with the South African Sports Association (SASA) are mentioned.

The advent of capitalism in South Africa

Paper by Jack Simons on the history of capitalism in South Africa. Covers the advent of capitalism globally, early societies in South Africa, primitive Communalism, Dutch settlers in South Africa and the British and the advent of capitalism in South Africa.

Populism without Robin Hood? Forms of ownership and control in a post-apartheid South Africa: Summary and some proposals

Paper by Ben Fine on ownership and control in post-apartheid South Africa. Covers the economy and privatisation, public ownership and the state and private capital.

The foreign policy of a future South Africa

Paper on a foreign policy for a future South Africa. Examines the racist government and the international community, the perspectives of the National Liberation Movement, regional and international governmental organisations.

The role of Parliament and Parliamentary Opposition

ANC paper that outlines the organisation's view of the apartheid era Tricameral Parliament.

Wars of resistance

Paper by Jack Simons on wars of resistance. Covers the Khoikhoi and San resistance, the Xhosa wars against dispossession, the Zulu opposition.

South Africa's racist state and the national democratic revolution

Paper by Jack Simons on apartheid and the democratic revolution. Examines the history of political systems in South Africa, looks at the Constitution, racial segregation, white supremacy, exclusions of Africans and the racist government.

The Pan Africanist Congress exists to subvert the South African liberation struggle

African National Congress document produced by their provisional headquarters in Morogoro, Tanzania, regarding the subversion of the struggle by the Pan Africanist Congress.


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