
Thumbnail Title Description
The Glory of Indian Womanhood

FROM time immemorial Sita, Savitri, Damayanti, Nalayani, Anasuya, and Draupadi have been regarded as sacred ~deals of Indian Womanhood as they are sublime and exemplary- characters who have exalted womanhood to the height of divine perfection.....

Newspaper cuttings on Mother Teresa

Newspaper cuttings on Mother Teresa

Some Reminiscences of South Indian Settlers

THE early Tamil pioneers came to Natal with their religion and immediately set about establishing it in their new environment. The new conditions and situations had their influences on the practices and beliefs of these people....

Hindu Religion and the Family

Despite the intrusions by way of education, the secularization process and socio-economic advances, traditional Hinduism over the last century and a quarter in South Africa has retained its subjective conservatism.


Inanda was entirely rural until the 1950’s. Thereafter because of drought and apartheid policy which aimed at undermining indigenous people from rural areas, people could not cope with the pressure exerted upon them by these situations.

Head-rings or top hats? An inquiry into the shifting meaning of body coverings in 19th and 20th century KwaZulu/Natal

In this paper I look at the shifting meaning of men’s dress in Zulu society from 19th century to the twentieth century. I concentrate on one type of dress called isicoco or head-ring.

Bewitching Zulu Women: Umhayizo, Gender, and Witchcraft in Natal

Some time in mid-1999, a young man from the village of Masameni in southern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 'proposed love' to Zandile, a 16-year old girl from the nearby village of Makholweni. She promptly refused his attentions.

An Ambiguous Sexual Revolution? Sexual Change and Intra-generational Conflict in Colonial Natal

In his 1968 study, African Women: Their Legal Status in South Africa, H. J. Simons noted a striking discrepancy between law and sexual practice that was particular to Natal.

Disobedient Daughters: Debating Culture and Rights in Rural KwaZulu-Natal

Disobe High levels of unemployment in South Africa have shifted rural households away from a reliance on male migrant wages and towards a diversity of income-generating strategies.

South Africans of Indian Descent

South African of Indian Descent

English Studies in Africa, vol 14, No. 2, September 1971
Aspects of South African Literature
An Empire of Poetry
Caribbean Quarterly: Contents of Past Issues
Bibliography for recent West Indian writing in English
Reviews - Chinua Achebe
Reviews - forms of folklore
A Selected Checklist of Works By and About Ngugi wa Thiong'o
Larsony or Fiction as Criticism of Fiction


1032 records found.