
Thumbnail Title Description
Gandhi in South Africa

Serious bio•raphical research on Mohandas K, Gandhi remains in, a fairly primitive condition. Louis Fischer's.........

Gandhi and Indians in South Africa

THE battle to abolish the law barring Indians from living in the Free State - an issue which became a heated one in Parliament........


Mixed articles on Gandhi 1946

Opening of Imperial Parliament ......................

Phoenix settlement - Its significance

April 1895 Gandhiji visited the Mariannhill monastery near Pinetown which was started by a Trappist, Father Francis Pfanner. He was impressed by this little settlement of.....

Life of Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa.

Came to South Africa in response to an offer from Abdulla and Co to work as their lege,l adviser.......

Articles on M K Gandhi
What I owe to Mahatma Gandhi
Challenges of the 21st Century an Outline
Article on Gandhi - Draft

Gandhi - the myths behind the legend By 1904, South Africa's coloured and Indian communities had started a slow journey towards political had at last found to champion their other a doctor awareness.....











The Indian industrial development corporation (IIDC)
Tamboti Furniture
ADDRESS DELIVERED BY SIR SHAFA.AT AHMAD KHAN, AT THE Opening oF the Natal Regional Conference Convened by THE SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS HELD AT Pietermaritzburg, July 31st 1943.

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen., I am deeply grateful to the Institute of Race Relations for the honour they have conferred upon me by asking me to addres this distinguished gathering....

Articles by Phyllis Naidoo.

Articles by Phyllis Naidoo.

Trade relations press cuttings
Trade and traders press cuttings
Let the People Trade - Business magazine calls for open central business areas
Indian Industrialists Meet
The Urban Informal Sector In Africa.
The Informal Sector & Zambia's Employment Crisis.


1032 records found.