Thumbnail | Title | Date | Creator | Description |
Black Power - Students Forced to Leave Meeting - SASO and other affairs | 1969-03-27 | University of Natal, Students Representatives Council | |
Four students of UND walked outh of a student body meeting at Alan Taylor residence last Thursday. |
The future society as seen by the Black People's convention | 1977-06-00 | Tami Zani | |
The first of a number of articles dealing with a kind of society that BPC envisages. |
The new policy of the USA towards South Africa: the Black Conciousness Movement's view | 1977-05-00 | Black People's Convention |
An article written by the Black People's Convention in response to the invitation to have talks with Mr Andrew Young the Unites States Ambassador |
"Power-sharing" Apartheid style: a critical analysis of the Botha regime's current political strategy | 1987-11-00 | Centre for African Studies, Maputo |
Paper on power-sharing and the apartheid government from the Centre for African Studies in Maputo, Mozambique. |
'World Vision International: what is it up to in Southern Africa?' | 0000-00-00 | Jeffrey Marishane |
Article in which Jeffrey Marishane raises concerns regarding the real motives of the World Vision's presence in Southern Africa, in its history the |
A 3-phase counter revolutionary strategy | 1988-00-00 | United Democratic Front |
Paper discussing a 3-phase counter revolutionary strategy. |
A Black South African's view of the present urban, rural and industrial situation | 1975-00-00 |
This article was published as part of a study project on external investment in South Africa and Namibia, entitled The Conditions of the Black Work |
A code of conduct for activists | 0000-00-00 | United Democratic Front |
United Democratic Front lecture aimed at helping activists develop their understanding of the ideas of 'discipline' and a code of political conduct |
A contribution from the Lusaka Regional Committee to the discussion initiated by Comrade Motshabi's memorandum | 1985-02-01 | African National Congress |
The ANC Lusaka Regional Committee commenting on a memorandum by John Pule Motshabi entitled 'Comments and observations on the issues to be raised a |
A Democrat among the Republicans | 1966-06-00 | Paul Goller |
Article about Robert Kennedy's visit to South Africa and the anticipated consequences of his visit |
A perspective on the background to the ANC Constitutional guidelines | 1989-06-29 | Ian Phillips |
Paper by Ian Phillips of the University of Natal, Durban, presented to the IDASA Conference in Port Elizabeth, 21-22 April 1989. |
A reply to J G Matthews' article: Africans and Non-European Unity | 1949-11-03 | I B Tabata | Unity Movement |
I B Tabata's reply to an article by J G Matthews, of the African National Congress Youth League, on Africans and Non-European Unity. |
Africa puts the West on trial | 0000-00-00 | Colin Legum |
Article on the United Nations Security Council's debate on South Africa and the Anglo-American accord influence on this debate |
African family housing in urban areas | 1974-02-00 |
Article on regulations governing the control and supervision of an urban Bantu residential area and the many hardships that these regulations infli |
Alliance paper: the alliance in the Western Cape | 1991-00-00 | African National Congress |
Assessment on the alliance in the Western Cape between the African National Congress, the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South A |
Alternative Education | 1986-00-00 | Jack Simons |
Paper by Jack Simons on alternative education. Outlines an alternative education system for South Africa. |
An approach to the Democratic party | 1989-08-00 | Colin Coleman |
This article argues that the Democratic Party is a significant force over which the MDM can gain access and influence and the Democratic Partys ele |
An economic policy framework | 1990-03-27 | Alec Erwin |
Paper by Alec Erwin of the Congress of South African Trade Unions on an economic policy framework. |
Analysis of the Recent Clampdown | 0000-00-00 | United Democratic Front |
Article in which the United Democratic Front looking at the clampdowns as having posed new strategic and tactical challenges to all democrats. |
ANC Discussion Paper on the issue of negotiations | 1989-06-16 | African National Congress |
ANC Discussion Paper on the issue of negotiations. Argues that negotiated resolution of the South African question is urgent. |
ANC gold | 1990-04-00 | Peter Robbins |
Paper arguing against the nationalisation of the gold mining industry, by Peter Robbins, prepared for an ANC seminar on Economic Policy in Harare, |
ANC lines up a new constitution for South Africa | 1989-03-00 | National news |
South Africa declares that the elimanation of apartheid and the creation of a truly just and democratic South Africa requires a constitution based |
ANC Youth League in the 1990s | 1990-00-00 | African National Congress |
Paper following discussion between South African Youth Congress and the African National Congress Youth Section Secretariat regarding launching the |
Apartheid is a cancer in the body politic of the world | 0000-00-00 | United Democratic Front |
The truth of the UDF slogan "UDF Unites - Apartheid Divides" was clearly borne out on Saturday as thousands of poeple from all over South Africa, |
Article in underground leaflet 'Freedom' | 1967-11-00 | South African Communist Party |
Article in underground leaflet 'Freedom' issued by the South African Communist Party in November 1967 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Ru |
Articles of association of a company not having a share capital | 0000-00-00 | Centre for Development of Human Resources |
Articles of association of a company not having a share capital. The name of the company is Centre for Development and Human Resources. |
Azanian Youth Organisation | 0000-00-00 | United Democratic Front |
Profile and description of Azanian Youth Organisation. |
Basic principles of ANC economic policy | 1990-05-00 | Robert Davies | African National Congress |
Handwritten paper prepared for a seminar organised by the ANC Department of Economics and Planning, Congress of South African Trade Unions and the |
Black Conciousness: an appraisal | 1980-00-00 | Henry E. Isaacs |
The article discusses whether the Black Conciousness Movement arose as a result of the influence of an ideology or as a reflection of the real need |
Body and procedures for drafting a new constitution | 1992-03-31 | African National Congress |
Proposal of the African National Congress to CODESA Working Group 2 on a body and procedures for drafting a new constitution. |
Brits crisis | 1990-01-16 | United Democratic Front |
Briefing article on Brits crisis where there were allegations of corruption, some people were arrested after people were killed. |
Call to whites Repression: Has the State of emergency really ended? | 0000-00-00 | United Democratic Front |
The official state of emergency ended on March 7 1986, as in that month more people died than at any other time during the state of Emergency |
Campaign for National United Action: Christmas against the emergency December 16 to 26 | 0000-00-00 | United Democratic Front |
Newspaper clipping regarding campaign for National United Action-christmas against the emergengcy December 16 to 26. |
Cape Provincial Administration to resettle farm dwellers | 1990-02-09 | Daily Dispatch |
Article relating to the re-settling of farm dwellers evicted from Wolseley Estate, Kei Road by the Cape Provincial Administration's community servi |
CCAWUSA Johannesburg branch: Discussion paper-the way forward | 0000-00-00 | Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (CCAWUSA) |
Article by the Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (CCAWUSA) to all locals/Shopstewards. |
Child rearing and parent-child relationships | 1967-11-00 | John Tau |
Paper dealing with family relationships in Soweto such as parent-child relationships and how social change or social conditions affect these relati |
Civil rights and the university | 1972-00-00 | Geoff Budlender |
An article on civil rights by Geoff Budlender, SRC President at the University of Cape Town, South Africa |
Collective Leadership in the Soviet Union | 1956-04-05 | Michael Harmel |
Article by Michael Harmel in "New Age" - 'Collective Leadership in the Soviet Union'. Discusses Stalin's role in the Soviet Union |
Constituent Assembly and Interim Government | 1991-03-00 | African National Congress |
Paper prepared by the African National Congress Department of Political Education, on defining a constitution, what kind of constitution the ANC wo |
Constitutional guideline for a democratic South Africa | 1988-01-10 | African National Congress |
Draft of Constitutional guideline for a democratic South Africa from the African National Congress Constitutional Committee. |