
Thumbnail Titlesort descending Date Creator Description
Black Power - Students Forced to Leave Meeting - SASO and other affairs 1969-03-27 University of Natal, Students Representatives Council |

Four students of UND walked outh of a student body meeting at Alan Taylor residence last Thursday.

The future society as seen by the Black People's convention 1977-06-00 Tami Zani |

The first of a number of articles dealing with a kind of society that BPC envisages.

The new policy of the USA towards South Africa: the Black Conciousness Movement's view 1977-05-00 Black People's Convention

An article written by the Black People's Convention in response to the invitation to have talks with Mr Andrew Young the Unites States Ambassador

"Power-sharing" Apartheid style: a critical analysis of the Botha regime's current political strategy 1987-11-00 Centre for African Studies, Maputo

Paper on power-sharing and the apartheid government from the Centre for African Studies in Maputo, Mozambique.

'World Vision International: what is it up to in Southern Africa?' 0000-00-00 Jeffrey Marishane

Article in which Jeffrey Marishane raises concerns regarding the real motives of the World Vision's presence in Southern Africa, in its history the

A 3-phase counter revolutionary strategy 1988-00-00 United Democratic Front

Paper discussing a 3-phase counter revolutionary strategy.

A Black South African's view of the present urban, rural and industrial situation 1975-00-00

This article was published as part of a study project on external investment in South Africa and Namibia, entitled The Conditions of the Black Work

A code of conduct for activists 0000-00-00 United Democratic Front

United Democratic Front lecture aimed at helping activists develop their understanding of the ideas of 'discipline' and a code of political conduct

A contribution from the Lusaka Regional Committee to the discussion initiated by Comrade Motshabi's memorandum 1985-02-01 African National Congress

The ANC Lusaka Regional Committee commenting on a memorandum by John Pule Motshabi entitled 'Comments and observations on the issues to be raised a

A Democrat among the Republicans 1966-06-00 Paul Goller

Article about Robert Kennedy's visit to South Africa and the anticipated consequences of his visit

A perspective on the background to the ANC Constitutional guidelines 1989-06-29 Ian Phillips

Paper by Ian Phillips of the University of Natal, Durban, presented to the IDASA Conference in Port Elizabeth, 21-22 April 1989.

A reply to J G Matthews' article: Africans and Non-European Unity 1949-11-03 I B Tabata | Unity Movement

I B Tabata's reply to an article by J G Matthews, of the African National Congress Youth League, on Africans and Non-European Unity.

Africa puts the West on trial 0000-00-00 Colin Legum

Article on the United Nations Security Council's debate on South Africa and the Anglo-American accord influence on this debate

African family housing in urban areas 1974-02-00

Article on regulations governing the control and supervision of an urban Bantu residential area and the many hardships that these regulations infli

Alliance paper: the alliance in the Western Cape 1991-00-00 African National Congress

Assessment on the alliance in the Western Cape between the African National Congress, the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South A

Alternative Education 1986-00-00 Jack Simons

Paper by Jack Simons on alternative education. Outlines an alternative education system for South Africa.

An approach to the Democratic party 1989-08-00 Colin Coleman

This article argues that the Democratic Party is a significant force over which the MDM can gain access and influence and the Democratic Partys ele

An economic policy framework 1990-03-27 Alec Erwin

Paper by Alec Erwin of the Congress of South African Trade Unions on an economic policy framework.

Analysis of the Recent Clampdown 0000-00-00 United Democratic Front

Article in which the United Democratic Front looking at the clampdowns as having posed new strategic and tactical challenges to all democrats.

ANC Discussion Paper on the issue of negotiations 1989-06-16 African National Congress

ANC Discussion Paper on the issue of negotiations. Argues that negotiated resolution of the South African question is urgent.

ANC gold 1990-04-00 Peter Robbins

Paper arguing against the nationalisation of the gold mining industry, by Peter Robbins, prepared for an ANC seminar on Economic Policy in Harare,

ANC lines up a new constitution for South Africa 1989-03-00 National news

South Africa declares that the elimanation of apartheid and the creation of a truly just and democratic South Africa requires a constitution based

ANC Youth League in the 1990s 1990-00-00 African National Congress

Paper following discussion between South African Youth Congress and the African National Congress Youth Section Secretariat regarding launching the

Apartheid is a cancer in the body politic of the world 0000-00-00 United Democratic Front

The truth of the UDF slogan "UDF Unites - Apartheid Divides" was clearly borne out on Saturday as thousands of poeple from all over South Africa,

Article in underground leaflet 'Freedom' 1967-11-00 South African Communist Party

Article in underground leaflet 'Freedom' issued by the South African Communist Party in November 1967 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Ru

Articles of association of a company not having a share capital 0000-00-00 Centre for Development of Human Resources

Articles of association of a company not having a share capital. The name of the company is Centre for Development and Human Resources.

Azanian Youth Organisation 0000-00-00 United Democratic Front

Profile and description of Azanian Youth Organisation.

Basic principles of ANC economic policy 1990-05-00 Robert Davies | African National Congress

Handwritten paper prepared for a seminar organised by the ANC Department of Economics and Planning, Congress of South African Trade Unions and the

Black Conciousness: an appraisal 1980-00-00 Henry E. Isaacs

The article discusses whether the Black Conciousness Movement arose as a result of the influence of an ideology or as a reflection of the real need

Body and procedures for drafting a new constitution 1992-03-31 African National Congress

Proposal of the African National Congress to CODESA Working Group 2 on a body and procedures for drafting a new constitution.

Brits crisis 1990-01-16 United Democratic Front

Briefing article on Brits crisis where there were allegations of corruption, some people were arrested after people were killed.

Call to whites Repression: Has the State of emergency really ended? 0000-00-00 United Democratic Front

The official state of emergency ended on March 7 1986, as in that month more people died than at any other time during the state of Emergency

Campaign for National United Action: Christmas against the emergency December 16 to 26 0000-00-00 United Democratic Front

Newspaper clipping regarding campaign for National United Action-christmas against the emergengcy December 16 to 26.

Cape Provincial Administration to resettle farm dwellers 1990-02-09 Daily Dispatch

Article relating to the re-settling of farm dwellers evicted from Wolseley Estate, Kei Road by the Cape Provincial Administration's community servi

CCAWUSA Johannesburg branch: Discussion paper-the way forward 0000-00-00 Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (CCAWUSA)

Article by the Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union of South Africa (CCAWUSA) to all locals/Shopstewards.

Child rearing and parent-child relationships 1967-11-00 John Tau

Paper dealing with family relationships in Soweto such as parent-child relationships and how social change or social conditions affect these relati

Civil rights and the university 1972-00-00 Geoff Budlender

An article on civil rights by Geoff Budlender, SRC President at the University of Cape Town, South Africa

Collective Leadership in the Soviet Union 1956-04-05 Michael Harmel

Article by Michael Harmel in "New Age" - 'Collective Leadership in the Soviet Union'. Discusses Stalin's role in the Soviet Union

Constituent Assembly and Interim Government 1991-03-00 African National Congress

Paper prepared by the African National Congress Department of Political Education, on defining a constitution, what kind of constitution the ANC wo

Constitutional guideline for a democratic South Africa 1988-01-10 African National Congress

Draft of Constitutional guideline for a democratic South Africa from the African National Congress Constitutional Committee.


208 records found.