Journal Articles

Date Titlesort descending
1969-08-00 Limehill Report
1978-03-00 Limehill Revisited
1993-04-00 Limillione tsa batho li ne le le mahlomoleng ka baka la ho bolauoa ha mohale oa bona- batho bangata ha ba ea mesebetsing(article written in Sotho language)
1978-03-00 Lionel Abrahams - critic, poet, author - Accepts the Pringle Award
1992-09-00 Lipuisano ka meputso mahareng a mokhatlo oa basebetsi le bahiri li hloleha ho tsoelapele : seterake merafong ea taemane (article written in Sotho language)
1958-07-00 Liquor and the colour bar
1990-08-00 List of Papers (International Conference on Health in Southern Africa, Maputo, Mozambique, 9-15 April, 1990)
1977-07-22 List of the ten transgressions of the religion freedom by the SA Government as compiled by the Justice of the reconsiliated divison of the SACC
1962-12-00 Listening is bad enough
1985-06-00 Litemaster workers win R800 000 in biggest claim awarded by court
1975-06-00 Literacy classes
1975-05-00 Literacy classes
1983-11-00 Literacy programme in KwaZulu
1968-00-00 Literature
1985-01-00 Literature and Reality
1992-09-01 Little evidence that private tenure is best
1982-07-00 Little joy at Putco
1992-07-00 Live the dream now
1977-05-00 Live Tunes: Ophir Amuse: Cold Steel: Wit Florist
1990-00-00 Lively debate on the issues
31-Aug-93 Living in the shadow
1989-03-00 Living wage - hospital workers fight back!
1989-03-00 Living wage campaign - what our unions are doing
1987-06-00 Living wage campaign weak but...a strike wave!
1983-05-00 Living wage strike
1993-04-00 Living with cancer
1993-09-00 Living with dignity: Sacred Heart House - a photo essay
1988-11-00 Living with the LRAA
1987-12-00 Living without a home
1993-12-00 Lixesha lokukhetha ngoku!(article written in Xhosa language)
1969-11-01 Lobetal
1991-05-00 Local and regional government beyond apartheid: From race to class power?
1990-01-00 Local Authorities: Local Government and Service Delivery. The Amatola Basin in Ciskei
31-May-93 Local courts proposal gets good reception
15-Oct-94 Local crisis
1988-03-00 Local Government and National Assistance
September/October 1990 Local government: Civic struggle comes of age
15-Oct-93 Local must be lekker
1988-03-00 Local Option Problems and Prospects
1982-08-01 Locked out: children protest
1983-06-00 Lockout in Queenstown
1987-00-00 London Summit Meeting
1982-08-00 Lone Lillian faces charges
1985-08-00 Long bitter struggle at Frame has ended
1990-12-01 Long road to media freedom - but radio can make a difference now
1991-04-00 Long struggle to unity ... in Germany
1978-08-00 Look at us now - thirty years after
1964-07-00 Looking Back at Snyman
1965-12-01 Looking back at UDI
1965-08-00 Looking backward: Reminiscences of ten years in the Black Sash
1966-04-01 Looking for a rain-god
July/August 1991 Looking for broadcasting alternatives
1990-11-00 Looking for the Women's League? Leave a message...
1990-03-01 Looking to the future
1981-08-00 Lotus River campaign brings results
1982-01-00 Love spells food
1978-02-00 Love thy neighbour?
1982-01-00 Love your neighbour?
1990-09-00 Low gold price should not mean jobs lost
1982-03-00 Low productivuty: put the blame where it belongs


11250 records found.