Thumbnail Title Description
Third force Socialism

Africa in its time of awakening and reconstruction is regarded with uncertain speculation by interested parties who, engaged in a cold war, are anxious to see whether Africa's emergence means a gain in their contest for ultimate power or the reverse.

A tale of two cities and the story of a community

This article previously appeared in the magazine of the architectural faculty of the University of the Witwatersrand. The subject formed part of a small exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London.


Book reviews.

Jazz epistle

Jazz music and musicians.

Cages in Windhoek: whose move?

The struggle for freedom in Windhoek, South West Africa.

Malawi will make independence work

Nyasaland became Malawi on 6 July 1964. On that day Dr Banda put into operation the revised Five Year plan based on that of the late Dunduza K Chisiza.

Cultural loneliness or fulfillment in non-racial Kenya

Every community that is shut out of the life of another and segregated develops in time a cultural self reliance.

Lumumba: the sycophant outshone by the meteor
Myths over men

The writer obscured by the prophet.

Amancio Guedes: architect of Lourenco Marques

A look at the architecture of Amancio Guedes.

Chief Kaiser Matanzima

Leadership in the Transkei.

Njikelana on SAAWU
Nation and ethnicity
TRAC (Transvaal Rural Action Committee) Newsletter Number 6 April 1985
Reprieves: The Huhudi and Leandra reprieves
TRAC (Transvaal Rural Action Committee) Newsletter Number 10 April 1986
TRAC (Transvaal Rural Action Committee) Newsletter Number 21 April 1992
Diamonds are not forever
TRAC (Transvaal Rural Action Committee) Newsletter Number 4 August 1984


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