The Durban Central Business District : A Delimitation and Land Use Study
There has been many conflicting ideas about what ·the CentralBusiness District (C.B.D) of Durban is, and where its boundaries are located. There have been delimitation and land use studies applied to a few cities in South Africa, but not Durban. Thus, it was decided that such a study would define and delimit the Durban C.B.D.; and in doing so, locate the major land uses which constitute this Central Business District. Data for this exercise was only available in computer print-out form, for the year 1976; this being the year to which ~his Durban C.B.D. case study applies. This data had to be manually extracted and classified for the purposes of this study. The nature of the C.B.D. ~as explained, then followed by the testing and application of previously applied delimitation techniques to the Durban Central Area. The results of this application were to prove that the Durban C.B.D. has a hierarchical development structure of a har~core, core, periphery and ... frame; and that land use clusters exist in relation to
these delimited zones, as well as in relation to one another. The hardcore and the core were found to locate towards the western side of the Durban C.B.D.; the explanation for this being that the north and west sections of tne C.B.D. are the most accessible areas for.both Black and White race groups; as well as the Indian Central Area being a thriving retail zone in the north-west periphery of the Durban C.B.D., due to a good patronage by the Black race groups. Policies were thus proposed for the future development of the Durban C.B.D., while certain aspects of the delimitation and land use techniques were evaluated for future research.