
Thumbnail Title Description
" Isigqiki"

Small wooden carved headrest on two solid legs that are sitting on a straight smoothly carved wood. There are incisions on the legs.

"Indondo iqondisa amahhashi emqgeni"

Mixed media scene of a man with horses pulling a cart.

" Ithunga"

Wooden carved milking pail with protruding incisions on the sides to maintain balance. It is known as Ithunga in IsiZulu from Ndwedwe area in KwaZulu- Natal.

Trip to caves-mealtime

Sitting: Edith Wintes, Rosalind Boast, Thella Otto, Mrs Bines and Mrs Boast.

Standing: Mum, Ken Wintes, Syd Boast, Dad and Lwie Marwick.

St Leonard on sean sussex

Tennis party.

Shirley Moor

Shirley Moor.

"Cartoon: ride Im, Cop Boy"

Abstract scene of a Sergeant- Instructor showing off in a cartoon column. 

"UmkaMamba ka Maquba"

Abstract scene of Mamba ka Maquba's wife carrying their baby on her back.

"1802 Group"

Illuminated illustrations of the 1802 Settlers addressed to Sir Marshall Campbell.

" Tulip"

Pencil sketch of a tulip flower.

"Cartoon: Our Subs"

Abstract scene of a cartoon newspaper support staff holding a tray of tea and biscuits. 

"Cartoon: Our Sports Writer"

Abstract scene of a cartoon newspaper sports writer.

"Cartoon: Our Social Reporter"

Abstract scene of a cartoon newspaper social reporter.

"Cartoon: Our Leader-Writers"

Abstract scene of a cartoon newspaper writer, hard at work.

"Cartoon: Our News Editors"

Abstract scene of a cartoon newspaper editor.

"Cartoon: Our Reporters"

Abstract scene of a cartoon newspaper reportes enjoying a smoke.

"Cartoon: Our Editors"

Abstract scene of a cartoon newspaper editor .

"Cartoon: Our Editors"

Abstract seen of a cartoon newspaper editor.

South African war 1899-1902: Arrival of "Garth" Manchesters, Durban

Arrival of " Garth" Manchester Durban Boer War.

South African War 1899-1902: Arrival of Connaught rangers, Durban

Arrival Connaught rangers, Durban, Boer war.


51988 records found.