
Thumbnail Title Description
Cape Town Agreement

Joint Communique issued to the press
G G Vol 64 No 15/1389
Telegram : Viceroy - New Delhi to the Governor General Dated 9-3-1929

Republic of India - Souvenir Brochure

Souvenir Programme

26th January 1950

In Commemoration of the Republic of India

Indian Indenture Documents

One of the earliest first hand accounts of the labourers was furnished in 1863 by the German traveller, Fritsch. He notes that they "far surpassed the .African tribes in skill and adaptability.

The development of the Indian Indenture Labour problem in South Africa

The indentured labour system arose to meet with the objective demands of a certain section of plantation owners resulting from the abolition of slavery. 'The very existing ascendant capitalism demanded a free labour supply and a maximum reserve of labour.

Official Inauguration of Truro House

Official Inauguration of Truro House


245 records found.