
Thumbnail Title Description
The armorial bearings of the University Of Durban-Westville and their symbolic significance

The University of Durban-Westville evolved from the University College, Durban, which registered its armorial bearings with the State Bureau of Heraldry in 1963.........

Sports & Politics

Poltical Science Worksheet......

Prayer to Durga & Siva

In the above quotation one sees that the Hindus or Vedantists do not worship many Gods. Truth is One and it has Power as its Nature. Just as there is One Truth, there is
One This Power is called Maya in Vedanta, Prakriti in Sankhya and Shakti by the Shaktas.......

Prayer to Durga & Siva
One of Sri Ramakrishna's Greatest Miracles

A devotee: Maharaj, what are the duties of a householder? Latu Maharaj: If you want to live a happy, contented life, stop criticizing others. Do not find fault with others. It is better to pass the time sleeping than gossiping and criticizing.


 sick homes or mental hospitals trst be report immeditaitely to the Secretary for Indian Affairs

Cachalia Amina, Asvat Zainab, Personal Reminiscences

Amina Cachalia's father, El Asvat, was an activist from Mahatma Gandhi's time.

Archary family correspondence in Tamil 1949 to 1974

FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE IN TAMIL between the years 1949 to 1974 Most of the letters are to OMPATHY ARCHARY subsequently a medical doctor.....

Aboobaker Traders

Thc above shows family members (1947 ) who were all traders. In the backGround is the family store which exists to date in Lydenburg.....

A I Amin

documents, legal certificates, application for permit, receipt for personal Tax or Provincial income Tax, letter from Union of South Africa, Pictures on Ahmed Ismail Ameen Pioneer; "Dingley dale" Klipport farm



The Artist

Phil Kolbe winner of the Mahtma Gandhi competition in 1991 is a South African artisit of consid

Gandhi Centenary Commemoration 1993 - Correspondence and record of meetings

At a meeting held at the University of Durban-Westville on the 8th February to discuss the above, the following were present:.....

Unveiling of Statue PMB

Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom, Lead Thou me on; The night is dark, and I am far from home, Lead Thou me on. Keep Thou my feet; I do not

12 Miscelleneous , 5 newsletter cuttings and sketches

Gandhi, political development, historical, Natal Indian Congress, Indian Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Indian Opinion, Phoenix Settlement, Transvaal, Indian Mass Meeting, Tolstoy Farm, Passive Resistance, Satyagrah

Tolstoy and Tolstoy Farm Lenasia

The 61 letters in this volume were written in Durban, South Africa, between September 1902 and June 1903 by M.H. Nazar, acting Secretary of the Natal Indian Congress and first editor of Indian Opinion, a weekly newspaper founded by.....

Photos on the life of M. K. Gandhi

Before his departure, Gandhi promises that should his services be required, he would return. Four months later he received an urgent appeal. Towards the end of 1902........


Gandhi Display (originals)



Behavioural Style Self-Evaluation
Member of Chamber appear to be Indian Owned
Coal; Iron ore; Copper; Phosphate


243 records found.