
Thumbnail Title Description
Northdale Social Club meeting held at Kismett Hotel, dancing trophy presentation, 1974

Northdale Social Club  meeting held at Kismett Hotel, dancing trophy presentation, 1974

Cato Manor shacks

Cato Manor shacks

Cato Manor shacks

Cato Manor shacks

Girl Guides of South Africa 1910-1985

DiniZulu Trail: Rugged Glen 8-10 April.

Girl Guides of South Africa

Albert falls dam.

Pieters, Jacobus Papers

Purchased by Mr. Douglas Saunders

Easter Stamps

Small fine sheet of Easter stamps


Eskom, Glencoe, Drummond

Trip to Lesotho, 1950: Sotho men and boys

Trip to Lesotho, 1950: Sotho men and boys

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

Botswana 1968.

Harry Camp, Lugg
The Zulu Lightning Doctor Susa Madela
Velephi Zulu's Wedding 29 June 1959


His Majesty King Goodwil Zwelithini and Dr Zwelithini Mkhize, eMbo Community Health Centre, 29 May 1998

His Majesty King Goodwil Zwelithini and Dr Zwelithini Mkhize, eMbo Community Health Centre, 29 May 1998

Iris, Cape Town

Iris, Cape Town

Somerset beach, Cape Town

Somereset, Cape Town

Selborne dock, Simonstown, Cape Town

Selborne dock, Simonstown, Cape Town

Simonstown, Cape Town

Simonstown, Cape Town


23 records found.