
Thumbnail Title Description
Hans across the sea; Table Mountain, Cape Town

Hands across the sea; Table Mountain, Cape Town

Hans across the sea; Table Mountain, Cape Town

Hands across the sea; Table Mountain, Cape Town

Union House of Assembly, Cape Town

Union House of Assembly, Cape Town

Native women hair dressing

Native women hair dressing

Rickshaw and puller, Durban

Rikshaw pullers in Durban

Native police

Native police

Natives at dinner

Natives at dinner

Zulu women grinding corn

Zulu women grinding corn

Zulu mother

Zulu mothers

Zulu girls ready for market

Zulu girls ready for market

Zulu women

Zulu women

Zulu couple

Zulu couple

Zulus at the kraal

Zulus at the kraal

Zulu man and his two wives

Zulu man and his two wives

Zulu woman

Zulu bride well adorned 

Zulu young men

Zulu young men

Zulu girl

Zulu girl

The beauty of the kraal; Zulu woman sleeping in the hut

Zulu woman sleeping in the hut

Zulu woman

Zulu woman; peculiar  head dress

Zulu bride and groom

Zulu bride and groom


9461 records found.