
Thumbnail Title Description
Durban Old
Durban Old
Durban Old
Durban Old
Durban Old
Durban Old
Durban Old

Lawn Gardens, boy standing in path and in the background is the old City Hall

Roy Campbell
Roy Campbell
Roy Campbell

Promoted to Sergeant Roy Campbell was sent to East Africa in 1943 and attached to the King's African Rifles.  

Roy Campbell

At Oxford Roy affected floppy hats. After giving up the idea of taking a degree he travelled round Europe taking on such itinerant work as Shiphand or Dock Labourer. He returned to England late in 1921.

Roy Campbell

Durban Boys' High School, attended by Roy, taken in 1985

Roy Campbell

A photograph taken agter Mary and Tess had joined Roy in Durban in 1925. From left to Right: Top: Bruce, Archie and Roy. Bottom: Mrs Campbell, Tess, Dr Sam Campbell and Mary.

Roy Campbell
Roy Campbell

Roy at the age of sixteen in his last year at Durban Boys' HIgh School. The following year, 1918, he registered at the Natal University College in Pietermaritzburg, and at the end of that year he sailed for England.

Avoca House
Avoca House
Avoca House
Avoca House
Avoca House


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