
Thumbnail Title Description
Clarkson C.F.
Clarkson C.F.
Clarkson C.F.
Clarkson C.F.
Clarkson C.F.
Clarkson C.F.
Clarkson C.F.
Clarkson C.F.
Clarkson C.F.
Hartley Family

St Leonards villa in Overport Grounds.

Hartley Family

Annie Hope Hartley.

Hartley Family

Isabella Hartley.

Hartley Family
Hartley Family

Cyril Horton with his wife Ella and Nora Flack.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1968-1972

Brownie activities after Mrs Billie O'Connor of the 1st Mtubatuba pack, receives the Brownie Guides Warrant from Mrs Val'Westlake, Divisional Commissioner of Guides for Zululand.

Hartley Family

The Horton Family.

Hartley Family

Andrew Dimmond (1st cousin of Rosa Foulds).

Hartley Family
Hartley Family
Hartley Family

Slamford hill Tennis elors.


9668 records found.