North Coast Mirror

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Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

The Flag ceremony , for the inauguaration of the girl guide North Coast Division. Breaking of the colours by Hennifer Wilson ( 1st Inanda) . Looking from left to right ; Miss F Wilson, Mrs D Baker ( District Commissioner, maidstone ) & Mrs C .

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

A group of brownies and guides from the districts which form the newly inaugurated North Coast Division.Left to right , back ; Judy Nel( Maidstone) , Belinda Jones ( 1st Inanda) , Ann Crossman( Stanger) ,Lorainne Johnes ( 2nd Inanda) Front; Debbie Endress( Stanger, Susan Bester ( 1st Inanda) Kare

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Mrs Ethne Bain, Natal Provincial Commissioner for girl guides seen congratulation Mrs Christine Bester Who has been appointed Divisional Commissioner for the new North Coast Division Looking on are the warranted District Commissioners and Guiders of the new Division.

Girl Guides of South Africa, Natal region 1972-1976

Katharina Krantz, now living in Umdloti was awarded the Founders Badge, the highest award in guiding.

4 records found.