Livingstone Family

Thumbnail Titlesort descending Description
A Zulu home

A Zulu home

African labours during the Boer War

African labours during the Boer War

Anglo Boer War Army

Anglo Boer War Army

Banyan tree, Albert Park, Durban

Banyan tree, Albert Park, Durban

Barberton mine

Barberton mine

Boat cruise 

Boat cruise 

Burger' camp in Barberton

Burger' camp in Barberton

Burgher' Camp, Barberton

Burgher' Camp, Barberton

Camp Frere, Anglo-Boar War  

Camp Frere, Anglo-Boar War  

Colonial South African Police

Colonial South African Police

Colonial South African Police

Colonial South African Police

D Camp  Pinetown

D Camp  Pinetown

Durban Bay evening

Durban Bay evening

Durban City Hall

Durban City Hall

Durban from Bluff

Durban from Bluff

Durban Rickshaw boy and Mr Livingstone and his friend, photo taken before he got married

Durban Rickshaw boy and Mr Livingstone and his friend, photo taken before he got married

Early mining in South Africa (alluviel dipping)

Early mining in South Africa (alluviel dipping)

Frere Bridge

Frere Bridge

General Louis Botha (centre)Lu

General Louis Botha (centre) 

Hlubi women cooking papa for making traditional beer

Hlubi women cooking papa for making traditional beer


41 records found.