
Thumbnail Title Description
Tempera paint 'hunting' by Ludwig Mkize
Zulu wedding

KCAV 2172 Tempera paint 'Zulu wedding"mby Mavis Nkabinde a years old of Indaleni Primary School 1951.

Letter to the manager at the Tafelberg hotel from Phyllis

Phyllis write to the hotel manager at Tafelberg Hotel

children playing in giant garden

KCAV 2171 Tempera painting of 'cgildren playing in gaint's garden by student Ndaleni Training Collage.

Migrant labourer/worker leaving his home at traditional homested.

KCAV 2170 Tempera painting of 'migrant labourer/ worker leaving his home at traditional homestead' by student Ndaleni art college.

Zulu traditional dance.

KCAV 2168 Tempera painting of 'Zulu traditional dance 'by student Ndaleni training Collage.

Temera painting

KCAV 2167 Tempera painting street with semi- detatched houses and double dekker bus with sign up-front. 'New Brighton' by student Ndaleni Training Collage.

Letter to Maggie from Phyllis Naidoo

Phyllis writes to Maggie

Letters between S R Maharaj and Phyllis Naidoo

Letters between Phyllis Naidoo and S R Maharaj

Letter to Butterworths & Co from Phyllis

Phyllis writes to Butterworths & Co regarding the postage of the books for MD for his exam.

Letter to Liz and Lan from Phyllis

Phyllis write to Liz and Lan

Zulu married woman

Zulu married woman with built up hair-dress...

Zulus; youth in fighting pose...

Zulu youth in fighting pose, wearing loin cloth of skins

Zulu women wearing traditional dress...

Zulu women; a group of women wearing traditional dress...

Two kneeling Zulu women

Two kneeling Zulu women, one arranging the other's hair. Witchdoctor has typical lengthened hair...

Zulu girls wearing head-band

Zulu girl wearing beaded head-band, short wrapped material skirt

Zulu musicians from Nongoma

Zulus: various views of musicians from Nongoma demonstrating Zulu bow music...

Zulu musicians from Nongoma

Zulus: various views of musicians from Nongoma demonstrating Zulu bow music

Account letters

Letter written to a company on behalf of MD Naidoo.

crayon 'city scene' by Reggie Ndlovu 12 year old of Glencore school


50302 records found.