
Thumbnail Title Description
Edwin Kilmister.

Edwin Kilmister (16 years old) 1894.

Charles Kilmister, 1846 - 1915.

Charles Kilmister 1846 - 1915.

Alice Bridle, 1894.

Alice Bridle, 1894 (82 Years old)

Grace Kilmister, 1894.

Grace Kilmister, 1894.

Felix and Victor Kilmister, 1894.

Felix and Victor Kilmister 1894.

Jesicca Kilmister, 1894.

Jessica Kilmister 1894.

Colin Kilmister, 1881.

Colin Kilmister, 1881.

Kilmister Family Photograph, 1894.

Kilmister Family Photograph, 1894.

P. Kilmister, 1894.

P. Kilmister, 1894.

Nutshell Novels

Abstract scene of a boy falling off his bicycle.

Nutshell Novels

Abstract scene of a little yatch with people being toppled over by a rough sea.

Nutshell Novels

Abstract scene of a motor car accident.

Nutshell Novels

Abstract scene of an agry man trowing a brick on a silly dog.

Nutshell Novels

Abstract scene of an angry cow chasing a red umbrella.

Olive. Kate. Kilmister, 1897.

Olive. Kate. Kilmister, 1897.

Ruby Kilmister, 1897.

Ruby Kilmister, 1897.

Bertha Kilmister

Bertha Kilmister. 

Pamela Kilmister

Pamela Kilmister. 

Nutshell Novels

Abstract scene of a man wrestling with a bear.

Nutshell Novels

Abstract scene of a couple kneeling infront of the girl's father after granting them the permision to marry.


51245 records found.