
Thumbnail Titlesort ascending Description
Zulu mother and child, 1890

Black and white print 17.9 x 13cm fading

Zulu mother and child, 1890

Black and white print 17.8 x 13.3cm fading

Zulu mother and child, 1890

Black and white print 20.3 x 14cm fading

Zulu mother and child, 1890

Black and white print 17.7 x 12.9cm fading

Zulu mother and child

WCP 609 Zulu mother and child.

Zulu Mother

Young Zulu mother carrying her baby on her back.

Zulu mother

Zulu mothers

Zulu Milking Pail

A wooden milk pail with three legs, commonly known as 'Ithunga'

Zulu milk pail, Ndwedwe, c1960

Zulu milkpail, Ndwedwe c1960

Zulu milk pail, Ndlela

Zulu milkpail, Mandima, 

Zulu milk pail belonged to Muziwempi Mhlongo, Nongoma 1951

Zulu milkpail -ithunga, Nongoma 1951

Zulu milk pail belonged to Mpiyakhe Zondi, 1949

Zulu milkpail. Ithunga, motif is called undlela ziyeGoli or railway line to Johannesburg. Belonged to Mr. Mpiyakhe Zondi, Nongoma 1949

Zulu milk pail

Zulu milkpail 

Zulu milk pail

Zulu milkpail from Nkandla, 1956

Zulu milk pail

Zulu milkpail from induna Mchunu of Enhlampeni Weeneen, 1930

Zulu milk pail

Zulu milk pail

Zulu Milk Pail

A very crude three legged milk pail without a lid.

Zulu Milk Pail

Wooden milk pail with three legs and commonly known as Ithunga. 

Zulu Military Staff

Set of Zulu military staff.

Zulu Men: Abanumzane

Two Zulu men wearing headrings and sitting outside a homestead.


49970 records found.