
Thumbnail Title Description
Arts and Africa - BBC African Sevice, London

This is the musical creation of David Fanshawe's "African Sanctus", which is one of several religious compositions that are played on the sound-track of a film called "African Calvary".

The NP's Guide for Victims of Crime
The Botswana Massacre: Victims were very "soft" targets
Protest in South Africa - various documents

Protest and Violence

Letter from Susan to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Susan to Phyllis Naidoo.

Sharpeville massacre

A mass funeral for victims of the Sharpeville massacre, 1960. 69 people were killed when the Sharpeville police opened fire on a crowd of protestors ...

Letter from Georg to Phyllis Naidoo

I wish you a good and successful new year.

Letter from Eva to Phyllis Naidoo

As you would expect, home hasn’t got any of that scrap paper to write on, so we must fall back on the best of pads.

8 records found.