
Thumbnail Title Description
Companies to Prof Greyling - survey of employment possibilities for Indian Graduates
Companies to Prof Greyling - survey of employment possibilities for Indian Graduates
Articles on technology research
South African Press Cuttings of 1969
South African Press cuttings 1970-1971
Press cuttings - 1972
Miscellaneous historical documents
University Staff soccer club

University of Durban-Westville staff soccer team

Peter Brown Collection: Printed copy of photograph of the late Dr Vilakazi, University doctor

Black and white print 6.2 x 5cm printers' proof

Letter from Debby to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Debby to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Marion and Mike to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Marion and Mike to Phyllis Naidoo.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo and Sukhthi

What can I possibly say? The shock of hearing about Lesotho's treachery in closing its doors to Father John is almost too great to bear.

Letter from Piers to Phyllis Naidoo

Very good to hear from you . Lynda and I are beyond apologizing to anyone about correspondence and I have been meaning to write to you for a year now.

Letter from Liz to Phyllis Naidoo and Sukhthi

Happy birthday Sukhthi even though it is a late greeting.

Letter from Barney Pityana to Phyllis Naidoo

Just a note to say hi we are still very well. I hope you are very well and happy in Lesotho. Occasionally we get news of you whenever one of Maseru sisters writes.

Interview with Reverend Malika Sibeko, conducted by James Tjibeba
Letter from Charles to Phyllis Naidoo

I visited professor Simons (Jack and Ray) yesterday and was so very, very sorry to learn that I had missed you by a few days! 

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Suks and Andrew

It looks like the University will take my body and that will settle that matter. See attached letter. My Will is made in your favour and Deva and Basil are the executors. The Will is in Basil's possession. I cannot find my copy - If I don't I might draw another in your favour.

University building

University building, Cape Town

Letter from Bernth Lindfors to Fred van der Zee


76 records found.