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Press statement: Death of Japhta Masemola

Press statement by Popo Molefe of the United Democratic Front regarding the death of Japhta Masemola who sacrificed twenty-six years of his life to rid our country of the scourge of racism.

Press statement: Margaret Thatcher policy on South Africa

Press statement regarding the Margaret Thatcher policy on South Africa.

Profile, Namibia

Profile, Namibia .Booklet discussing: basic facts, churches, resources, chronology, political development and economic situations.

Programme of Mass Action against Natal violence continues

Press statement regarding the programme of mass action against Natal violence and the organisations are determined to continue with their programme of mass action for peace, until the government takes decisive steps to end this violence.

Proposed joint statement on: call for national unity against apartheid and the emergency

Statement regarding proposed joint statement on call for national unity against apartheid and the emergency as the state of emergency seeks to destroy the democratic organisations and thereby attempting to halt march to freedom

Rally speech

Speech delivered by Joe Slovo the General Secretary of the South African Communist Party (SACP) at the Rally in Lentegeur Stadium, Mitchell's Plain.

Relations with Other Groups Committee report

Report of the subcommittee, Relations with other groups Committee, presented at the 60th Annual Congress of the National Union of South African Students, Durban, 29 Nov-3 Dec 1983. Included in report is the information that the National Union is part of the United Democratic Front.

Releases a victory for the people

Statement by Congress of South African Trade Unions and the United Democratic Front on behalf of the Mass Democratic Movement regarding their release which is also a victory for the international solidarity movement.

Renewed fighting in April

On April 1 1989, the start of the implementation of Resolution 435, clashes between Swapo guerillas and South African security forces broke out in northern Namibia . For nine days the most intense fighting in the history of the border war raged along the 300 km frontier .

Report on ANC/UDF delegations consultation, Harare, 3 - 4 December 1988

Report of a meeting between the African National Congress and the United Democratic Front affiliates in Harare to discuss concern over poor coordination and leadership.

Resistance politics will never be the same again...

Article by the United Democratic Front on the seven-month state of emergency, leaders who were in detention or had gone underground to avoid detention were re-emerging and the former are recovering slowly from the effects of lengthy incarceration.

Resource document for all going to Namibia especially drivers

Resource document for all going to namibia especially drivers regarding emergency telephone numbers, contact numbers in Namibia and route to Namibia

SADF in the townships - player or referee?
Search warrant

Search warrant to search the United Democratic Front premises and to seize articles such as documents, minutes, correspondence, video-cassettes, related to the activities of the UDF, TIC, NIC,RMC, AYCO, SOYCO and FEDSAW with regard to the Commission of the offence of treason.

Sharpeville 21 March 1960

Article regarding the Sharpeville 21 March 1960. 5 000 people gathered at the Sharpeville police station near Johannesburg to start the Pan Africanist Congress campaign as a result 69 people lay dead 180 were wounded.

Should we enter Parliament?

Article by the United Democratic Front asking wheter they should enter the Parliament, they also state reasons why they cannot enter.

Should we participate in tri-cameralism? A position promoting the idea

An article about whether or not to participate in a tri-cameralism, a writer starts off by saying that, entering parliament, is not a priniciple move, but rather a change of tactic and they remain committed to the realisation of the people's demands as stipulated in the Freedom Charter.

Socialism under attack: the national democratic struggle
South African Youth Congress discussion paper towards restructuring the United Democratic Front, building of a formidable foundation for National unity

South African Youth Congress discussion paper towards restructuring the United Democratic Front, building of a formidable foundation for National unity

Speech at the African National Congress welcome rally

Speech delivered by the General Secretary at the African National Congress welcome rally in Cape Town, when the ANC welcomes the changing situation within South Africa, the release of the leaders, the unbanning of the African National Congress and other organisations.


296 records found.