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The group News - Vol 20, March 1987
Letter from Peter Brown to the Alumni Officer
Letter from Sivi to Phyllis Naidoo

Your lovely letter from exile! I thought that Kee enclosed paper might be of interest.

Letter from Phyllis Naidoo to Ray

Your letter of the 10/10 is under reply. Your writing is getting awful - you must be in a lot of pain. I hope you are feeling better. You seemed to be so much in pain. I hope you are by now healed nad more comfortable.

Letter from Ray to Phyllis Naidoo

I do not take vitamins but have to take so many pills prescribed Dyazide Tilazen. Thank you for your caring letter of 28th October received it just now (3pm) I am replying at once.

Letter from Adrian Leftwich to Alan Paton
Letter from David Philip to Alan Paton
7 records found.